KFC Bad Service in Trinidad and Tobago!


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New Member
May 28, 2014
KFC seems to have some of the most disgruntled workers, while I have met a few polite, pleasant cashiers, the majority of them have been rude, discourteous, have no respect for your time. After waiting 20 minutes in line , just to see the cashier leave and chatting in the back...smh! But the worst, is KFC Princes Town, After 8pm on weekdays, a bit later on weekends, they stop frying breast and thigh. All they serve is legs and mostly wings. So if you buy a snack pack, you're getting a wing and leg...at the same price...not to mention $2. for a condiment container....like we wasn't already getting robbed.....who say Japs?
Re: Trini Bad Service

$2 ! wtf! normally they give it free. Steups! I heard that someone found a fried feather in their KFC chicken too..nasty!
Re: Trini Bad Service

I've gotten a fried feather or two in KFC before, but my biggest complaint was seeing a worker wipe the floor with a dirty, grayish-black, slimy looking dripping cloth, and then use the same cloth to wipe the tables that customers eat on. She never wrung out or changed the cloth, and did not use any cleaning solutions or picked up garbage or old foods first. Just dumped the cloth down in the middle of food crumbs, condiment spills, etc on the table and dirty footprints etc on the floors and gave it a half-assed wipe and moved on to the next spot. I am admittedly a bit obsessive about cleanliness/hygiene, but that was just too nasty. I walked right out and boycotted KFC for about 7 years because of that.

Most recent tale of bad service was in a Persad's grocery though. Only three cashiers were open, many of whom were just sitting and chatting with other off-duty cashiers. I was at the shortest line with an off-duty cashier cashing a few groceries in front of me. She ended up making at least six or seven purchases, all cashed separately one after the next, in between each she stopped to talk on her phone, leave the building or go back to an aisle for something, and the actual cashing cashier continually stopped to chat with her (her hands could not move at the same time as her mouth for some reason) and go back through the list on her screen to double-check things, which may have been great for her, but I stood in line holding a toddler and three little items for nearly a whole damned hour! Again, this was the shortest line and all three lines were moving around this speed. When it was my turn to cash I greeted the cashier with a smile and cheery fake "hi!" because courtesy is supposed to be contagious and all of course she was brimming over with attitude (aka customary Trini service).
Tonight around 8:15pm i walked in to Montrose KFC where i went to purchase two snack packs for someone.
There was only 1 employee changing the chicken trays, cashing and attending the other duties. The line had reached nearly out the door.
Suddenly, the manager and the employee began quarreling in front of the workers in a very loud and harsh manner. People were left waiting to be attended to while these employees argue. Everyone in the line began shouting for the manager and commenting on the horrible service receiving. The cashier eventually called out the manager who was on the computer in the employees room and began asking her why are they getting bad service and this cannot be tolerated. She then replied " We are short staffed, you can leave if you want if you have a problem" .. WTF! You know she close the door and went back to sit around the computer.
I know managers supposed to run a place efficiently and might fill in for employees when they are short staffed. But no, she rather sit and have people waiting to be attended to. This is Utter Madness. Prestige Holdings, i am angry at the way you all increased prices but cannot improve your staff and the manner in which they speak to people. It's disgusting !
Re: Trini Bad Service

You should contact Prestige Holdings and make them aware of the situation.
That is insanity. If anyone is wrong it's the manager who clearly lacks conceptual, technical and the human skills needed to be an effective leader/service oriented employee.
Re: Trini Bad Service

When stuff like this happens, please record it. I think that's the only way to get people's attention. It's amazing what people get away with smh.
You guys are doing it wrong in the first place, to get good service you need to mamaguy the employees.
Lmao flirt with the female employees a little bit smile Bess piece ah chicken in your box
Unfortunately them was like beasts ..

Since then, i haven't been to KFC..
You must give me your magical secret to how you get good service from KFC workers.
sweet talk the women lol make them laugh most of the time I always talking shit with a padna n they does hear n laugh
Nirtime you just have to flutter your eyelids harder.

BTW what is it about KFC workers looking for the absolute smallest piece of chicken to give you? You would swear they paying for that chicken they way some of them sift through looking for the tiniest thigh they could find. It made to be sold. Might as well just pick up the first piece instead of holding up the entire line.
That I agree with. sometimes they giving you 2 small leg when you have 3 and 4 ppl to feed at once.

Lol flutter my eyes? Please I'm always dead serious on a normal day and willing to accept no nonsense.
lmao there you go and wonder why your pieces small lol

Ok I not going to flirt and flutter my eyes to them, I be friendly and have manners, that's something unheard off by a lot of customers to start with yet when you giving them the respect, they give you the disrespect a lot of the time. Can't say I blame them, the mangers often are very hog like.
On the night of the 24th August i went to the KFC next to Westmall. When my family and i arrived we heard there was no leg and customers had to receive wing in Spicy orders. We decided to order the Big Meal Deal but did not wanted no wings and opted to the cashier that we will pay extra for another big piece of chicken. Another employee proceeded to tell the cashier that is not the rules and we have to get the wing. The cashier told the other, if they paying for it , why not give the customer what they want? We agreed . The other employee was still insisting that our order cannot happen. The cashier then told her, " look i running out of patience with you, don't get me vex" .

Turns out she suggested the 8 piece of chicken combo that came out less than the Big meal. We all got big thighs and side breasts and were very satisfied. Thank you to the cashier who went out of her way to give us what we wanted.

This might fall in under bad service as the 'manager' who was pestering the cashier told her to tell us off and give us the wings infront of us. The deal did not state which piece of chicken to give us . Only 2 pieces of chicken, 1 side a biscuit and drink. If we paying #35 dollars for that then don't give us wings please.
If that was the manager insisting on giving the customer lackluster service then I honestly would have no problem reporting this to Prestige along with a name and description. This is exactly why most KFC workers are never happy and provide not the best service. I've seen this happen before in many instances where the managers don't care.

The scenario above reminds me of a time my family went to Pizza Hut in 2004 around there and they took an hour and still had not provided even the bread sticks for us. When the manager heard from the waitress that we were displeased, her comment was, if they doh want to wait they can leave. We did leave and it was noted to Prestige Holdings what the manager said. We received a voucher in the mail for our exact order and an apology. I'm unsure if that level of service still exists but I always tend to look at the manager before the subordinates.
I kind of blame Prestige Holdings as well. I mean, what sort of employees do you expect to get if you pay people minimum wage? We all know that KFC is extremely profitable so they can afford some smarter more well mannered employees. They can think of it as an upgrade. They spend money upgrading their building and their equipment but spend little to none on staff I'm sure.