Issues Of The Middle East

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Jun 9, 2008
The Middle East. A Confusing, Sad, Place that gets alot of worldwide attention because of the crime, religious practices, terrorism & gender inequality, discrimination etc. There is so many headlines on the news everyday about bombings, killings , deviant groups , mass murders etc.
I abdsolutely hate the Middle East with a passion, mainly because of the crack / messed up / ^%&^&% political bodies that people let run these countries. What gets me is that this is the modern times and we have so many international rights organizations that just sit back and watch as we destroy ourselves. The ones that are helping fight for what is right don't have the means of achieveing alot and is not being taken seriously.

Sometimes i thank god for being born in T&T even though we face some problems such as crime , corruption etc. Atleast its better than there.
I ask myself why is this so? Why not equality! Why are they bringing down their own nations! Why people don't step in and teach them basic common sense! Why don't we hold those in power there and force them to change their ways. Most people attend big semanars and conferences with them and don't even brace them about changing their laws.

Some of the things that i absolutely hate is :

1. Abortion of female children up to 9 months (full term) because of this dowry shit that they have to pay
2. Female Genital Mutilation - Apparently because we are made dirty and we will be modest if we do this
3. Marrying off Girl Children at the age of just a few months to big hard back men that rape them and force them to have children. Some of them die of the bleeding and also during pregnancy/child birth
4. Marrying Animals - Apparently marrying animals SUCH AS GOAT, SHEEP is accepted. Raping
them too and also have to be killed later on because of the trauma endured.
5. Marrying their own family members e.g first cousins , uncles , aunties etc. etc.
6. Oppression: Females Not allowed to drive, females not allowed to go anywhere without a male bodyguard who have to be their family members, single females/males not allowed to talk or be seen together, in restaurants there are family seating and single male/female seating that is barred off.
7. Technology Ban- There is a ban on everything , music , technology, social media , dancing , playing certain instruments etc.


1. Saudi Arabian Prince Killed 2% of Bird Species, Houbara Bustards In One Day, Because It is an Aphrodisiac when consumed.
- The prince himself is said to be responsible for the deaths of 1,977 birds, which conservationists warn are on the brink of extinction, while his entourage are claimed to have killed a further 123. So In Conclusion he killed of thousands of birds to make himself feel Horny.
More Readings:

2. A Saudi Arabian Man Is Relased After Raping, Torturing and Killing His Own 5 Yr Old Daughter , After Paying Blood Money. Read More-

A Saudi mother is expected to appeal a judge?s ruling after he once again refused to let her 8-year-old daughter divorce a 47-year-old man,a relative said. Sheikh Habib Al-Habib made the ruling Saturday in the Saudi city of Onaiza. Late last year, he rejected a petition to annul the marriage.

The case, which has drawn criticism from local and international rights groups, came to light in December when Al-Habib declined to annul the marriage on a legal technicality. His dismissal of the mother?s petition sparked outrage and made headlines around the world.

The judge said the mother, who is separated from the girl?s father, was not the legal guardian and therefore could not represent her daughter, the mother?s lawyer, Abdullah al-Jutaili, said at the time.
The girl?s husband pledged not to consummate the marriage until the girl reaches puberty, according to al-Jutaili, who added that the girl?s father arranged the marriage to settle his debts with the man, who is considered ?a close friend.?

The six Iranian singers who were arrested for appearing in a viral video dancing to Pharrell Williams? song ?Happy? have been sentenced to six months in prison and 91 lashes.

The group became famous in May when their music video for the hit song circulated on YouTube, racking up more than 150,000 views before attracting the attention of Iranian authorities.
It featured three men and three unveiled women singing and dancing along to the four minute song in the street and rooftops of Tehran, mimicking the style of Pharrell?s official video.

Authorities arrested the group for contravening Iran?s strict vulgarity laws, which prohibit public displays of dancing, and paraded the six on state television, forcing them to express remorse for their behaviour.
The Islamic Republic condemned the video as a ?vulgar clip which hurt public chastity? and in a trial on Wednesday sentenced the participants to a suspended sentence of six months in prison.
The director of the video was handed a suspended sentence of one year, while the whole group was told they would receive 91 lashes each.
?A suspended sentence becomes null and void after a certain period of time,? their lawyer, Farshid Rofougaran, told Iran Wire.
?When it?s a suspended sentence, the verdict is not carried out, but if during this period a similar offense is committed, then the accused is subject to legal punishment and the suspended sentence will then be carried out as well.?
Speaking shortly after the group?s initial arrest, the brother of one of the video?s star told The Telegraph that their confessions on state television were ?outrageous?.
Siavash Taravati, who lives in the US, said: ?The IRIB?s (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting) action in showing the ?confession? of my sister and her friends (?) is just outrageous.
?Apparently they first arrest people without any charge or civil right to defend themselves, then interrogate them and then make them confess and finally broadcast their show.?
Pharrell Williams responded to Iran?s actions on his Twitter account in May, saying: ?It?s beyond sad these kids were arrested for trying to spread happiness.?
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Re: Reasons To Hate The Middle East

Is there any justification to hate somewhere because of the people that live there and their lifestyle choices?
Re: Reasons To Hate The Middle East

I abdsolutely hate the Middle East with a passion, mainly because of the crack / messed up / ^%&^&% political bodies that people let run these countries. What gets me is that this is the modern times and we have so many international rights organizations that just sit back and watch as we destroy ourselves. The ones that are helping fight for what is right don't have the means of achieveing alot and is not being taken seriously.

Lifestyle choices is oppression, killing, terrorism, marrying little girls and raping them etc?? I do not hate the people Mr. Bollywood but what is going on there and the political bodies that govern these countries that let these things happen. That all the international organizations sit back and let these innocent people of the countries suffer! Is that a lifestyle?
Re: Reasons To Hate The Middle East

The Middle East is governed by Religion, Religion is combined with their laws and Governance. Where a man i regarded as a god over his wife or any female for that matter.
Women will never be equal in that area of the world because of Teachings and Practices that are instilled in males, making them believe that women are to be a slave to a man.
When i check the internet its always some abuse of a female in that part of the world,
When a woman gets raped by more than one man the courts don't prosecute the rapist but they punish the victim (the female) for the act done to her.

The Government and laws of that part of the world should be ashamed of what they are doing to females over their.
I use the term females because , they abuse, marry and rape young girls because of their beliefs.
Re: Reasons To Hate The Middle East

I agree but i want to make it clear I Am Not Saying Religion Is The Cause but the minset of these people in these modern times. So much technology and knowledge the world has and still nothing is being done to help these innocent people of the countries that are treated inhumane
Re: Reasons To Hate The Middle East

I wouldn't say I hate the Middle East, but the widely practiced ignorance, abuse, and oppression there. I'm sure there are activists there that work anonymously or have been jailed, killed, or otherwise punished for standing against the masses. As I've said before with regards to the Paris and Nigeria attacks earlier this month, I believe people have become desensitized to these terrible events because it happens so regularly and is viewed as "normal" for that area. If a single one of these things (just one) happened in a first world country, mind you, it would be an international tragedy such as Charlie Hebdo was.

There are still people who think similarly to them right here in Trinidad, many of which I've been unfortunate enough to grow up with and live with. Society just chooses to turn a blind eye to what still continues in our own country. I've met educated professionals who initially seemed quite well-composed etc. but eventually revealed shockingly disgusting mentalities to rival those of popular Middle Eastern mentalities.

I think with regards to religion, people choose how they wish to portray it. Sometimes it just takes one person in a leadership position to twist the words around in a convincing manner, and the believers flock to them like mindless minions. I've found this in all religions to date. Those in authority wish things to be the way they are. Religion might be one of their excuses, but I'm sure it's not the only one and if it were taken away, they would just replace it with more excuses to defend their ways.
Re: Reasons To Hate The Middle East

I agree. But i still hate it; the tradgies , the treatment of women, the oppression, the conformists . I hope and pray that someday things will change and maybe then i might change my mind. Something needs to be done about these countries . Almost everyday you are seeing things over the internet , BBC, CNN etc. and it hurts to know we are living so peaceful here, but life in another country is like war everyday.
Re: Reasons To Hate The Middle East

If you dont like the middle east than do not talk about it .

Consider what was being discussed and the manner it was being discussed in. Then decide whether you still feel so strongly.
Re: Reasons To Hate The Middle East

i read all that was posted and i understand your dislike for this area but you need to mindful of what we post and how we post it. the world wide web is a very dangerous place if used incorrectly
Re: Reasons To Hate The Middle East

As a moderator on this site i would like to state that the individual posts of each moderator on this site does not represent the views of the site in general as well as the other moderators and i would like to openly distance myself from the comments made in this topic.
Re: Reasons To Hate The Middle East

Instead of saying I hate the middle east, i feel sorry for the people there who are suffering due to the decisions of the government, gangs, terrorists, male domination, etc. As much as we hear about what's going on, think about all those who suffer daily because of it. Those who live in constant fear, those who lose their sons, daughters, mothers, fathers....They don't deserve that! A lot of people over there are forced to conform or suffer the consequences. I hate all of the factions that dominate the media in a negative way, ISIS, Al Queda, Boku Haram, etc. But the vast majority of people there are being oppressed and have no voice or courage to speak out against the tyranny.

I saw on the Express website, UK couple gets robbed and chopped to death in Port of Spain soon after leaving a cruise ship. The comments stated, the people of Trinidad were backwards and unfriendly and that people should stay away from Trinidad because the country is full of criminals.....Even in our small country, it's easy for a few rotten apples to spoil the barrel...
Re: Reasons To Hate The Middle East

Dude, I live in Trinidad and after my experiences here I wouldn't blame those commenters. Good, decent people can be quite hard to find in a small developing nation like ours with so much corruption. I wouldn't blame everyone in Trinidad for the many negativities present, but it can be rather difficult to be mindful of that when the media thrives on emphasizing the bad qualities on a daily basis.
Reasons To Hate The Middle East

Let me be honest. I agree with the commentors. Its hard to find someone half decent down here and if you do theyre probably playing you for something they want from you. The only real decent people left here are probably living in fear for their lives for the same thing those foreigners experienced.

I will refrain from commenting on Middle Eastern issues since I do not really believe the external sources of information 100%.
Everyone happy now ? The title has been changed! Honestly i speak out on any issues that is bothering me hoping that someone can read this and spread the word. Also by speaking about these issues, people can actually be educated and do their own personal research instead of putting a block on this topic because it has a touchy title. These countries are in dire need of help. The people are suffering and innocent children are taken advantage of, war is raging and the countries are degrading. Yes i am far away in Trinidad, but i will not dare ignore the matter ! I have nieces, nephews and cousins that are so young and i cannot imagine them being hurt and their childhoods destroyed. Things that happen in these countries are so sick and disheartening. So many petitions are circulating and i try my best to sign all . You never know one day it can be accepted. Atleast it's better than doing nothing !

Just imagine another headline came up where a Muslim Sheik married a young girl less than 10 years old to pay off a debt her father owed . He raped her on their wedding night and she bled profusely. His family buried her alive and covered up the matter saying the girl mysteriously died. It was only when her family came looking for her and got police to intervene then they found out what happen and went to her grave.

Another headline in Pakistan where a girl's parents threw acid on her because they claim she "looked at a male ". According to her younger sister ,they heard a motorbike passing and just went to peep outside by the window. Her parents caught her looking outside and immediately had acid waiting for her. They considered this to be forbidden and a sin . She died sadly. Hope the parents are proud.
IMO issues like this need more awareness and passionately speaking out about it to draw people's attention is the best way I know. It's much easier to look the other way and only focus on what's in front of you but I think it's important for people to understand there is so much more to the world than just what you can see in front of you. The disturbing things out there and the way we each feel about it may not be what we want to hear/be reminded of, but that does not change the fact that it does exist and some may feel more strongly about it than others, whatever their opinions may be.
Things like these i will never say "Aye that's not my problem or i living Chinidad so them overseas people doh bother me " . When crime hits you in your family or something personal happen to you , trust me, these issues cling to you like a magnet. For other people, they will brush it off because they never experience the fear or hurt it brings. It's all around us , even in Trinidad, some just are blind to it
:amen: It's so easy to judge, condemn and ignore these issues - until the day it hits home. Then all of a sudden it's like people realize there are countries other than where they live, there are issues other than the ones they see in front of them, and there are people they don't know living lives they can't possibly imagine.
:amen: It's so easy to judge, condemn and ignore these issues - until the day it hits home. Then all of a sudden it's like people realize there are countries other than where they live, there are issues other than the ones they see in front of them, and there are people they don't know living lives they can't possibly imagine.

Exactly! Check this out :

In Afghanistan, a recently introduced law has made it nearly impossible to prosecute domestic abusers. Now, relatives of an accused party are banned from testifying against them. This has a big impact on cases of violence against women, which usually happen within a family/domestic setting.
It's unbelievable how advanced society is in terms of electronic advancements but the real core of our past, present, and future; humanity is sorely lacking. I recently found an article about the craziest anti-women laws in the world. Those are the just the craziest ones the writer decided to portray, there are definitely more! There are activists groups out there that actually do make changes, but not without a lot of support. While I understand that such terrible news can be quite distressing, if everyone keeps sweeping everything under the rug there won't be any progress! I think it's important for people to believe that each person can make a difference, every issues is important, and there's always something you can do. I keep hearing from so many people here things like "What's the point? It won't matter any way" "Nobody cares. Worry about our politics/economy/roads etc instead" "Somebody else will speak out. Don't waste your time," etc. and I think it's so wrong!