Is the word ' rape' used too losely?

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
In our society today the youths are saying some pretty disturbing things that makes me shake my head. I cannot finish stress on how serious rape is in society and long ago it was wispered amongst everyone. People were afraid to mutter that word unless it happened to someone. Now in society, rape is so open now and used in different contexts like it have no meaning. The people who use it so loosely are usually the ones that have never experienced it or have never been exposed to the situation in their family or network of friends/ neighbourhood etc.

"That chemistry exam Rapee meh" , "You raping meh feelings" , " Go let the lady rape yuh " , "Gosh ah get up feeling like someone rape meh" .

I hate this and i wish it would stop! If the people knew someone who was brutally raped they would not use it ! I hate how open and common this word is in society now especially to them youths. I swear if i hear anyone say that around me again, they getting some serious slap!

What you guys think?
It is a term that has become loosely used by the youths of today and it has a very serious meaning that i dont think they will understand unless they have met someone who was actually in that position and struggling to move on with their life because of the scars it has left
YES! No matter how many times I tell people this is not a word to use lightheartedly, I'm told the same thing I'm told when I bring up issues of gender or racial slurs: "it's just a joke" "everybody know we not serious" "everybody does say it" etc. It's so frustrating! Rape is a terrifying, humiliating, life-scarring event that cannot possibly be on the same scale as joking matters. I'm sure these same "jokers" would be stunned into silence if they actually met and had to comfort a rape victim, raw with all the emotions. Try making that kind of "joke" to them and see. Smdh. :frusty:
Excellent Question, i do believe its used to loosely and should not be used to describe a reaction to something.
Let be straight Rape is a heinous crime and a traumatizing event for the victim, Rape should only be classified as a evil act and should not be used in any context to describe anything other than the heinous crime itself.
Thats the problem, youths these days take a lot for granted. If they were ever victims themselves, they would forever fear the word and never use it in such incorrect contexts. I do not even think knowing someone can make a modern youth sensitized to be honest, they are a bunch of monkies if you ask me.
I think this is one of those issues a lot of people push aside until it happens to them or for very empathetic people, someone they care deeply about. For some it doesn't seem real or the severity of it isn't realized until it hits home. To those that cannot relate or empathize it is truly a trying experience to get them to understand how these victims feel, what they experience, and how the rest of their lives are affected. It is not a deed that can be undone or erased and joking about it only makes it harder for more victims to feel that their plight will be taken seriously if they come forward.
Personally I have stopped taking on when young people use certain words as they use it in a very awkward context far from it's original intention and then they make a joke out of it.
I really don't think we can afford to take that seriously for they themselves don't take their lives seriously to begin with.
I remember long time i could of never say rape.
I even hardly heard the word spoken out of my family's mouths
If they had to say it , it was said whispered or soft spoken
Rape long ago was taken very seriously but now ! When our society hear someone got raped they say " BUT SHE DESERVE IT ! LOOK AT THE CLOTHES SHE WEARING ! SHE MUST BE PROVOKE THE BOY etc etc"

Let me tell you this " A woman is in no way responsible for rape! " While i agree that a woman's clothing can be a major factor for SOME CASES of rape, it does not prove anything .
Agreed. Experts have proven that rape is primarily about POWER, not sexuality. This is why women in burkas get raped. Rape is not limited to physical appearance, sexual orientation, age, gender, personality etc. It has been promoted as something caused by women (said by MEN) as a way of keeping women "in their place" hence taking power away from them and forcing them to feel guilty for an event they did not ask for, expect, or have any control over. If rape was based on clothing then bikinis, lingerie models, shorts, and tanks would all be outlawed and women in fall/winter/covered clothing would NEVER be raped. Men would never be raped. Old ladies would never be raped. Unattractive people would never be raped. No one asks for this terrible crime to be committed any more than someone who buys a nice car is asking to be robbed or carjacked.

"Rape" has lost is seriousness. It's joked about, laughed off, falsely accused, toyed around with etc. The cases of rape that experts have to analyze are only the documented cases. Millions of rapes go unreported around the world. Sometimes it's due to threats, relation, fear/intimidation, humiliation, lack of information, corrupt officials that refuse to take the report, the list goes on. But just as importantly, sometimes it's about victims being afraid of not being taken seriously and what they would risk by reporting such a laughable matter.