Is Naruto crap?

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New Member
Jun 23, 2008
Might sound like a strange question, but it's one I NEED an answer to, IMMEDIATELY...

Is Naruto crap? I personally believe so, ever since Sasuke liking more man than ever before. But maybe someone here has another opinion...
AHAHah na naruto is great the anime that is. Well do you read the manga, in the manga it tell you everything about 75 episodes ahead of the shipuuden series. But if it was not for Sasuke leaving and acting all stupid naruto will have never started to get so much rage and turn in to the nine tailed fox .
Hmmm i doh think so lol cuz That Is Ryan Horna Man He Watches Him All The Time haha jk
HUH omg this is comin from you my own woman lol you not shame lol
Sasuke like man?? um ok... way you get thart from lol... I jus find he have issues like just about ever other anime character ever!!!!
If you dont understand the japanese culture the n this anime will suck for you..
naw naruto isnt crap. if u wanna see crap watch bokusatsu tenshi dokuro chan. lol that is crap
-Karina said:
Hmmm i doh think so lol cuz That Is Ryan Horna Man He Watches Him All The Time haha jk

OMG Ryan Has Another Horna Man?.. I Dont Think This Will Work Out Ryan.. I Dumpin You.. BITCH! :cry:
Aight, so which one's better between Naruto and Bleach, then? [Assuming you all watch Bleach]
Naruto of course in the anime naruto the story line is real good and their moves not limited to one. Their are jitsus and summoning, and mystical powers, Its also a comedy action mixed together. i used to say the same thing that naruto is shit but when i started to watch it from the begin the song theme was so catching omg lol
Bwdf Naruto is de boss of animie why you think i make the site for lol not for style. The manga is the boss too, its like over 100 episodes ahead of the serious
Lol you taking greek they lol. I want to she him use his wind element more like how the sand village uses it.
naruto is a great series. alhough i miss out 3/4 of all d episodes the ones i did watch was great.
WHsat you mean the series before shipuuden? if you have not seen shipuuden it on my site. But i downloaded all the episodes from when he was small. I have a total collection