Is Masturbation A Sin lol ?

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Jun 9, 2008
Yes i know lol Well i always wonder if masturbation is a sin bcuz its a sin in some religions........................... can u plz shed ur views if it is or not ?
I would say yes... that it's a perversion of sex... unless its mutual.. and hetero. On the other hand they say masturbation is regarded as part of a child's normal sexual maturity. It only becomes a problem when it takes up time that would otherwise be spent on other things like going out or watching tv or whatever. Essentially its bad when it becomes and addiction.
It is often coupled with porn or sex addiction. But hey people do what makes them feel good... It's harder to convince them that a preoccupation with mindless self indulgence is dangerous.
It's bad because it never truly deals with the emotional triggers, it only creates temporary relief. Many people who indulge in masturbation often have unresolved emotional issues, and masturbation is their coping mechanism. People who feel good about feel good about themselves would only engage in it if its part of the sex act.
I guess the majority of people who do are addicted to some degree, just like any other thing that might make you feel good.
I guess the non-sexual curiosity of it ends before or during puberty, after that its a more consciously sexual habit. I dont think its appropriate for post adolescent adults to be engaging in it, sexual maturity should mean more urge control. Someone once told me its safer than sex, i guess it could be true. lol.
Thats my 1.5 cents.
I hope someone gives an opposing viewpoint.
well you know me already, i don't think its a sin mainly in the bible alot of people are confused by what the bible write about an instance of this. This is not a sin, if people when not to masturbate their would be a lot more crime yea seriously,more rapes and so on, if some is is so abdicated to raping people he could just masturbate lol and the feeling s temporally gone.

Only well if you are watching porn and masturbating that is a sin, if it just doing it naturally well thats a normal human behavior,
Re: Is Masturbation A Sin lol

Yeah it's the things people couple it with is what makes it bad. The state of mind some people some people have to get into, by watching porn or peeping or whatever. If people can do it in a non-sexual way then it probably wont be bad. The thing is since when is it not a sexual thing?
And the thing i said about the temporary relief i also said it does not truly solve the problem- if i'm a rapist i will always be one. lol. Temp relief will do nothing for me, what will help is for me to learn to control myself. I see masturbation is contributing to the preoccupation with sex not allieviating it. People shouldn't have to do it to function normally- if they cant live without it they've got a problem.
Many people dont see it as a non sexual thing, the problem isn't getting off is what people do to get off, what they expose or indulge themselves in is what affects them adversely. We assume its normal because its so common, but its like any other drug. We also assume that the sole reason for our sex organs are for pleasure, well thats only one of two reasons. And having to rely on it only means that sex consumes too much of our thoughts. It would be considered helpful if some weren't so dependant on it.
Well coming to think about it lol its not bad for my part lol its just a form of relaxation lol lol
well i guess im d BIGGEST sinner in d world lol!!! well it helps if u a V n wanna hv premarital sex n shyt so it cant be all dat bad!!! lol
Well at least you know it lantern... Jus kiddin.
The only way to know is to check your motives for doing it, and its conquences if any on mental and physical health. if those motives aren't that pure its bad. If you know you dont have any twisted thoughts its ok. i guess.
Guys i saw a lil documentary on masturbation and they say when guys masturbate 2 much they does turn gay, i dont know how true that is..
NA only or white people lol the Americans

But if a dude continue to do it with out thinking something pleasurable about a female lol well he will get accustom of doing it with out any sexual motivation, And he may lost the response to that female sexual sensation. But to me only American people can turn gay like this lol
LOl i know but i can't believe a trini man will turn gay like that lol. Its just wrong lol
In TnT they say if you dont masturbate you're gay. lol. I dunno what that have to do with liking men... If a man was gay wouldn't he just watch gay porn to masturbate. lol.
but seriously like admin said if you use sex as a drug you might get used to it. and when you get numb to one you start experimenting with more or other kinds. But its a bit of a stretch to say you'd go to a man... that nasty. oh geed..
...hmmm.....I always pray an ask god to forgive me of my sins
LOl but empireking you have to pray alot every day dude lol, jk
Masturbation is healty, but as always to much of anything is not good. It was proven that the more a man ejaculate the less his risk of getting prostate cancer so i would say it is good to do especially if you can not get sex as often as you would like but as i said before do not over do.
.....I think once every couple dayz is quite healthy :p