Internet Marketing Conference In Trinidad

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Aug 13, 2009
Greg Kennedy, President of Segnant, Inc., to Present Keynote Address at Global Search Industry Event Internet Marketing Seminar World Tour 2009â„¢ Destination: Jamaica

Boasting its most notable search engine marketing program to date marked by a timely discussion around use of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, the premier search engine marketing event Internet Marketing Seminar World Tour 2009â„¢ kicks off August 28 at the Pegasus Kingston. Highlighting the full-day event is a keynote address by Greg Kennedy, President of Segnant, Inc.
Whats up with this dude when i look in every other Trinidad forum or website i see this same exact post are you some kinda of spam but, but this is spamming if you post the same thing over and over all over the web
Look see if i making joke do a search for "Internet Marketing Conference In Trinidad" The same dude same post all over the net lol
wayyyyz, he eh playin.......ban him just for dat haha