If You Could Rewrite History


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Active Member
Nov 10, 2014
What would you change? How do you think that would affect society today?
Hmm that's a pretty hard question. I will come up with a pretty well thought of one later, however it will have to do putting those British fools in their place. Did you know that mostly all of the countries that the British colonized have been left third world up to this date. We cannot catch ourselves, we have a dependency syndrome , we have been left with major debt , poverty , hunger, disastrous state of confusion etc. Just look at India, what was thriving in textiles and raw materials long ago now is destroyed and their people degraded to nothing . Families and homes were broken up, women were raped and forced to do labour etc.

Just look at Africa, i'm speechless that everyone just stands there and not address the big elephant in the room!

Yes because of the British there would not be multiculturism, population diversity, industries that were started in different countires but atleast there would of been peace, harmony and not all those bloodshed of a history.


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If I could rewrite history, I'd change the ideology of modern society. Everyone is so caught up in themselves and every thing is for money these days. Where is the spirituality in anything? Long ago I don't think it was this bad and I truly wish that I could change this throughout the course of history. I don't know how it'd even be possible lol.
Hmm that's a pretty hard question. I will come up with a pretty well thought of one later, however it will have to do putting those British fools in their place. Did you know that mostly all of the countries that the British colonized have been left third world up to this date. We cannot catch ourselves, we have a dependency syndrome , we have been left with major debt , poverty , hunger, disastrous state of confusion etc. Just look at India, what was thriving in textiles and raw materials long ago now is destroyed and their people degraded to nothing . Families and homes were broken up, women were raped and forced to do labour etc.

Just look at Africa, i'm speechless that everyone just stands there and not address the big elephant in the room!

Yes because of the British there would not be multiculturism, population diversity, industries that were started in different countires but atleast there would of been peace, harmony and not all those bloodshed of a history.

I think the British took everything they could from other countries to better themselves, leaving those countries high and dry as a result. Look how successful Britain is today compared to the places they took over. The only exception is the U.S. which is not only in insane amounts of debts, but is outsourcing similarly to the British as well. They use up the resources of other countries and sit back to reap the rewards after.

Europe in general has a very racial history. If it wasn't the blacks, it was the Muslims, Jews, etc. As the greatest power in the world, I believe Britain for example played a key role in shaping the mindsets over racial matters throughout the world. Some of those wars were fought for pretty stupid reasons. I don't know how slavery could have been avoided because it wasn't just blacks, but basically any natives from other countries that could be taken advantage of and forced to work for "the white man". After raping and pillaging as they pleased, they simply set off to the next place. Europeans simply deemed themselves superior because they were more dressed, preferred their language and religion over others, had the resources to discover and invent what they deemed more promising things, etc. I still see this as an underlying message today and I don't think many people realize that they are thinking that way. The worst part is human ownership continues to date and it is just not a pressing enough matter to gain publicity.
If I could rewrite history, I'd change the ideology of modern society. Everyone is so caught up in themselves and every thing is for money these days. Where is the spirituality in anything? Long ago I don't think it was this bad and I truly wish that I could change this throughout the course of history. I don't know how it'd even be possible lol.

I think when people started venturing out into secularism, the more they learned, the more many of them pushed away traditions and religious and spiritual teachings. I think presently spirituality is written off as hippie nonsense and not "Real world" worthy.
To say the least, History isn't truly "complete". There are many things that are undiscovered on this planet. In the 19th Century everyone said the city of Troy was a myth yet it was discovered in the late 19th/early 20th Century. Also, there are a lot of ancient technology being discovered as of recent making historians question our history.

I'll most likely change all the racism that exists today. Alongside that, I'd rewrite it so that Poland would've stopped massacring Germans when Hitler asked them to stop. This would've stopped World War 2. Then I'd stop World War 1 by leaving the Austrians to fight their war instead of letting the Germans get involved[The Germans were the ones blamed when in reality they wanted to help their neighbouring country win the war]. It'd change a lot of things today. There are literally infinite possibilities.
I think when people started venturing out into secularism, the more they learned, the more many of them pushed away traditions and religious and spiritual teachings. I think presently spirituality is written off as hippie nonsense and not "Real world" worthy.
I won't blame secularization for that. I blame the people and more so the larger establishments who had a carving hand in creating popular culture.

I'm secular but you won't hear me say its about making that money or all about me for I alone don't walk the earth. I share it with just about everyone else. I breathe the same air too.
The British indeed start off and responsible for RACIALISM ! It's in many books.

During colonization we had the pyramid where the Whites were on top, then the coloureds and then the blacks . This has left these countries with a mindset that the whites are all so God Like and deserving.

Britian sucked everything out of the countries they took over .
They were responsible for the extinction of the Native people as they brought their stink diseases and killed them off
They took all the raw materials from countries and then left when it had no more
They raped innocent women and girls causing them to bear their babies
They whipped, lynched , beated, killed so many slaves
Broke up families
They tore down everything in their sight that was deemed unfit and not suitable to their liking
They encouraged men to be polygamous as they forcibly rotated them in different households.
They gave our ancestors refuse from animals and plants to eat and this caused the weird foods we have in T&T today e.g Cow heel, cow tounge, pig tails etc.
So SO true! The thing is, much of the white=better mentality was accepted and passed down from our ancestors. I grew up in a very racial family. Imagine in the 2000's relatives and family friends would openly make comments that are too disgusting to repeat. Aside from the comments bringing us down, anyone trying to educate/improve themselves is automatically put down as trying to be or "feel they white".

Sadly, I hear this kind of talk on a regular basis to this day. When will people wake up and realize that they are repeating the same oppressive propaganda that is keeping them on the bottom? England and similar countries can look the other way and say they've moved on as their citizens benefit from a country built by many of our ancestors' blood, sweat, and tears. While that sucks for us with the leftovers/refuse, putting ourselves and those around us down will not help. Sometimes I leave South to go to other places and I swear I'm in a different country. The racism here, the way of thinking, everything just pulls you down! Very rarely have I met people that think differently in this area, but I don't think a lot of them are to blame (solely). A lot of it is due to strong influences from family, friends, school, etc.