ian alleyne is getting full of himself?


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Is ian alleyne is getting full of himself?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 1 25.0%

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I always do agree what ian alleyne is doing is a good thing, solving crime, helping certain people and making us feel a bit safer knowing that at least someone is putting the hurt on crime to some point.
But lately ian alleyne is getting really full of him self, i he feels he's the next best thing even hotter than the kiss hops bread, he rants as if he along can stop crime ..... .I know alot of people made reports to him and i came to the conclusion that he only takes up the cases(reports) that are media fit meaning those cases that make him look all big and mighty.
Before it was about helping the poor now unless the case matter could make air views on Tv that the only way he will take up that report made by the general public.
Ian Alleyne i will always support you, but i really think you have lost your way. Hope you will change and think about the poor people and not Tv Ratings!
i think that ian is doin a greatt job helping others ..but yess some people are saying how ian is getting full of himself and not listening to them anymore on the minor issues. so idk but i really hope that smaller issues are being dealth with off the air
ahahahahha well is said he is the big thing out there in trini so i'm guessing yessss
its my guess dat he wants a big position wit d government an he not getting it coz he demanding too much......so look out an take cover until he gets it i say!!!
He wants to become the next Police commissioner, some time ago he said if he is made he would do it for free. Now he said that if he becomes the next police commissioner he will take the money after he cleans up the country of crime?
It saddens me to the point that i stop watching this show, now its everything police do it not good. All those areas in Port-of-spain are main crime areas but he going in nelson street and defending the same criminals that live their. He don't even know why the police locked up those people for but he against the police its a sad.
sighh its a state of emergency... its time to rid out the criminals.i know there are alot of people in the beetham are criminals and u go tell me that neighbours know who they are but wont say something so dont feel sad when they treat allure so
So why this man playing up with the guns these weapons have a proper procedure to undergo, The guns can not be handled like that Ian Alleyne. He so feel by using gloves will keep the existing finger prints in tact. This man is so clueless yes.
lol in trini admin we dont even study that .. all we know we get guns and horayyy