Hurricane Season

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Nov 20, 2014
As we enter the hurricane season, I've been thinking.. What if an epidemic occurs during this season? It hasn't happened in a long time but chances are it may. We're long overdue for one even if we're at the bottom of the Caribbean in a "safe" zone. If an epidemic does occur, how prepared are you for it? Something like this could happen overnight, taking the electricity, water and telephone services. Everyone would be packed in groceries and shops taking whatever they could. This country is already a mad house, it'll get worse. We're already lawless, with one last string holding us together from braking out into a primal society, meaning that anything goes and the strong are always one top. What are you doing to prepare?

Recommended reading: When All Hell Breaks Loose by Cody Lundin
lol trinis dont prepare until something happen other than that they go with the faith that somethings jsut cannot occur here
Initial Trini reaction to a hurricane warning:

Go to the beach to see what will happen. LOL

Here's the plan:
Firstly, I will be your new leader. If I tell you my plans you might steal them and overthrow me. :behindsofa:

All joking aside, a good bit will be wiped out and/or injured by whatever occurs outdoors and near water. Some more will play fast and go see what happened when the eye of the storm hits. Bye bye to a bunch of those when the calm passes lol! We will hide out with stocks and battle it out with those left when it gets to that. I remember writing some material on a related topic years ago lol Trinis already eating turtles, don't doubt you'll see some people eating their neighbor's pets when stocks run out!

Wait...I forgot those with faith as grim said. A bunch of those will not prepare or hide, some will even go out into the storm and believe their divine beliefs will form a plastic bubble around them or stop the storm as soon as it starts. NO scene, more rations for us! I will go out and do what I can to help others once I am sure my loved ones are safe and provided for on high ground and I am equipped with self defense weapons and can defend myself adequately. I may or may not engage in criminal activity.
I try man...I try. :hat: