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Jun 9, 2008
"HTML 5 is the proposed next standard for both HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0, as development on the next version of the latter has stopped. HTML 5 was initially said to become a game-changer in Web application development, making obsolete such plug-in-based rich Internet application (RIA) technologies as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Sun JavaFX." From wiki.

OO HTML5 looks mad cool, hmm soon the internet would be cooler lol :p Supported browers Fox, Chrome and Safari. lol check out this cool webtoy, no plugins needed SWEET
Oh loard Trinispice uses XHTML 1.0 Strict, but now they doing to abandon it, i will have to restructure the site if html comes out
OMG! i like it, its soooo fancy! the dots followed my mouseeee and danced around my screen, and turned into a heart wow i love it :) so colorfulll
ITs looks real cool but this will have a huge load on the servers and on your pc as your pc has to render the graphics. I don't like the idea integrating flash movie as one with the html
I dont know how it works or whats going on but its so beautiful ^_^ i love those little colorful dots i would look at them all day long :)
I agree with admin on this one, I prefer they keep flash and HTML separate, because tbh, the page is still loading for me :/ after like 7 minutes.

It may seem cool now, but for everybody to have an enjoyable and speedy web experience, we will all need to get Quad core computers with high end Graphics and extremely fast broadband connections.

HTML5 seems like the way forward but maybe it's a bit before its time. HTML 4.1 is still fairly new imo and what about xHTML? Are they just going to abandon that? I already started coding all my new sites and projects using xHTML Strict 1.0, now I have to go recode them again?

Same thing i was saying Snow it good to get another webmaster's input, XHTML Strict 1.0 is widely used on sites it would not be good to tell webmasters to stop using XHTML and use the new Html. I don't see this coming out any time soon, but its the same thing like why do people still use 800x600 res the reason is it was already their and people are not ready to change and upgrade, due to complications
If you all don't know what XHTML check here ...