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New Member
Jan 2, 2016
Hi my name is Theodore, just joined this forum (I believe it might be the only active Trini community outside of Facebook to my recollection). From a 2nd generation White Trinidadian born and bred in Maraval. It's been ten years since I've last been to Trini and I really miss it - however de crime scared me off and after UWS I moved to Western Australia (far away, but you wouldn't believe that there is actually a small Trini community here of ~500 or so). While de country is a little backwards socially, at least de people are relatively educated and mannered. Then again, I think we've lost those old values. However, there is just something so unique about the lifestyle, people and the nation in general. I can think of so many negatives, but also so many positives.

I've often thought about going back for a few years, as I'm a solicitor based here in Australia and my licenses and everything would be valid in Trinidad. I've also thought about returning for business, as I have a multitude of ideas and believe that there is a demand. I'm 26 in any event, so I do have time at the very least. I feel very connected to Trinidad because it was the country which took my Jewish grandfather in from Nazi Germany (otherwise he would of been killed) and it was the country where my English mother came to, and at the time they were so impoverished beyond belief.

I completely acknowledge how poorly put together this post is, but I am so glad to be a part of a Trini community!
Hey Sea, welcome to the forum. I really like how you wrote your post. You really have brought some positivity back into the little community we have here. I'm glad to hear your story and I can't help but ask, are you a German given your Grand Dad's origins?
Thank you! I don't think its little though, it seems fairly large actually. Also yes my father is a German Jew, my mother is just English (Anglican).

You know, another reason why I miss T&T is because of the ethnic diversity. I always appreciated it, but ever since I've moved to Perth years ago - I didn't realize how great it actually was to have three different groups getting along all in the same room. In Trinidad, everyone mingles with one another and as a white person I experienced literally no racism at all and I felt like I was treated equally and with so much respect. I consider myself to be Jewish (culturally), despite being an Atheist and my Trini friends knew that and respected that, just as I respected whatever their faith was. Unfortunately in many other parts of the world, you just don't have that. Sometimes you forget that Trinidadians typically aren't the wealthiest, but many of us are still rather educated thanks to the magnificent education system (in my opinion, which many unfortunately do in fact take for granted).

About ethnic diversity though, here in Australia it feels like everyone is separate. It doesn't feel so like in Trini where everyone mingles with one another. Here, Asians have their own circles of friends who are Asian, whites have their own circles of friends who are white, etc. It's boring, it is mundane and it is uninteresting. If it weren't for the crime, I'd be back in T&T any day! It's just that as a solicitor, you have to be cautious who you're defending (particularly in Trini) because you never know if the person you're trying to imprison is with a gang. You never know what their intentions will be once they get out. Heck, now with the prison escapes - yuh' dont know nuttin'.
Sea I respect you. From what you saying we need more people like you here man. Corruption and crime has ruined the country badly. People don't have respect for anyone anymore and I really wish we could go back to those traditional days.

Given the corruption rates here, you're safer where you are most likely.
Thank you! Also is it really that bad? If I were to return, would I have to worry about getting robbed or becoming a victim of any sort of crime?

Also is it true that Trini is now majority Indian? My good Chinese pal from Diego Martin broke the news to me a few weeks ago, I was stunned - just cant find statistics to back it up though.
Also just out of curiosity, does anyone know of any good realestate search engines for T&T? I'd love to see what going rates currently are. I have quite a bit of saved money (assuming things are still cheap), I would merely consider buying a small apt. complex as I know its a renters market in T&T, and that the demand is there.
You can check for some real estate classifieds.

Yes you would always have to watch your back and hope nothing happens to you. A simple thing as a right of way violation which resulted in an accident can lead someone who bought their driver's license to pay the police officers a bribe to fake the details of the report and make you appear to be wrong if you were right.
Thanks a ton! I've just checked that site, and it's great. Prices seem like they've gone up majorly -- however not by that much. Definitely nothing compared to what prices are like here in Perth (it's outrageous). Paid $575,000 for a two bedroom one bathroom apartment, what a joke. Thankfully I've gained an enormous amount equity-wise and I may sell.

You know, that sounds really scary. I don't remember it being like that before. EVER...! Has it ever happened to you or any person you know? Also what if I carried a GoPro camera wherever I went? Also can you please recommend to me some safe towns/neighborhoods? I lived in Maraval most of my life and Westmoorings for a period of time. I've also had experience in San Fernando and would be fine living out of POS.
It hasn't happened to me but I have heard some of the stories. The more I hear it's the more surprised I am sadly. I honestly cannot tell you where is safe and where isn't. The crime is all over but there are certain parts that are fairly safe. I'm not sure about West Moorings or Maraval but Chaguanas, some areas are relatively safe. San Fernando as well.

If you stick to safer areas you won't need a Go Pro on you just yet but I do believe the footage would count to an extent. The laws still have not been amended to consider video evidence but many people have equipped themselves with cameras on their bikes, vehicles and cell phones for on person recording. The clips are normally submitted to news or programs which deal with criminal and lawless activity.
Trini still mixed up a lot lol and as for crimes It has been getting worse don't understand why a person don't work hard for their stuff like the rest of us....and yes house prices are going up like everything down here yes
It hasn't happened to me but I have heard some of the stories. The more I hear it's the more surprised I am sadly. I honestly cannot tell you where is safe and where isn't. The crime is all over but there are certain parts that are fairly safe. I'm not sure about West Moorings or Maraval but Chaguanas, some areas are relatively safe. San Fernando as well.

If you stick to safer areas you won't need a Go Pro on you just yet but I do believe the footage would count to an extent. The laws still have not been amended to consider video evidence but many people have equipped themselves with cameras on their bikes, vehicles and cell phones for on person recording. The clips are normally submitted to news or programs which deal with criminal and lawless activity.

Wow, that's horrible! I've never been to Chaguanas before, how is it? I was always told that most people there were Indian, same with Fyzabad. Doubt it's true, and if it is I don't care. I'm just curious. Also while I'd have no problem moving out of POS - I am a hobby sailor and I used to love taking our sailboat out for a run as a teenager. We lived in Maraval, so it was a short drive to the harbor in Shorelands/Bayshore if we left early in the morning. I've heard that area has become bad now too, unfortunately. But yeah, I don't know of any clubs in the Chaguanas region since it is mostly inland. I'm not sure if there are any sailing clubs in San Fernando too. I bet there is one, but it's probably private since I cant find one unfortunately.

Also really? Video is not recognized as evidence in Trinidad anymore? Are you kidding me? Has the Trini gov't become this vex at the people? What kind of lunatic place has it become? That is beyond insane. How can you not recognize video as evidence? Wow wow wow wow. Appalling.

When I was growing up, there was always crime in Trinidad - but mostly stuck to the more notorious areas like Beetham and Laventille. I think everyone knew those were complete no-go zones, but now what's happened is EVERYWHERE has become infested with crime! Used to just be pockets of POS and the rest of the nation (especially the south) were OK. Now it seems like everywhere has just become crime hotspots, what is this?!
Sorry for asking so many questions by the way, I just have one Trini friend who I still speak to and the calling prices for an Australian to Trinidad are mind blowing. It's an arm and a leg to talk for even five mins with someone. Crazy. Also one more question: what are farm prices like in Trinidad? Many many years ago, my father owned a small parcel of farming land outside of SF and every once a week I'd visit the parcel and help him maintain the crops (mango and others) and we'd sell what we had at the farmers market. I have some experience in farming, as I have a little bit of land here in AUS too (unfortunately we've been through major drought so right now its just sitting there). But I am just wondering how much.. say a one acre plot would cost for farming. One acre is nothing, but I'd most likely raise chickens and sell the eggs and do the occasional mango crop. Of course this all depends on what I can afford.

I'm also aware of milk prices being really high in Trini now, and I'd be willing to import a few Australian cattle to Trinidad if I had a big enough parcel to raise them.

I'm just speculating here completely lol, pay me no mind. Kidding, but I am just doing hypotheticals and I am just curious what I could do if I go back. Thanks
Hi Sea, welcome and happy new year to you. It is good to have someone like you around. You appear to be very level headed and want to contribute to the development of T&T.
Crime is crime and it is everywhere but I believe that some of you guys make it seem much worse than it really is. Provided we stay out of the "no-go zones" or the heavily crime infested areas, we will generally be ok. There will be the rare occasion where something happens in an area that is not generally known for crime, but most times it is a domestic crime or some other dispute that leads to criminal behaviour. What I am trying to say is that you are not automatically a target once you live in Trinidad & Tobago. Crime has spiraled upward, especially serious crime but the average person can enjoy a crime free life while not limiting him or herself to what their is to explore and do in T&T.

I happen to know a farmer. He is a good friend of mine. I will get some information for you on farm lands, how to acquire these sort of lands and what is required to obtain such.
Brother, thank you very much. I'd love to get some info as to what would be required and what the cost would be per parcel/acre/hectare and where I can find a list of available lots for sale. Thanks a million. This is the Trini I remember, where everyone helps each-other. Here in AUS, nobody dares to do that. I'll be hoenst, Australians are very cold in my opinion.
Sea you need to use Skype and other VOIP applications to get those calls for free. Calling out of the country is some mad rates for sure! Prices of food have gone up but milk is still somewhat manageable, I really not sure how to describe that, maybe someone else can give you a better description.