How young is too young to get married?

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Feb 27, 2009
I see individuals (women especially) getting married at ages as young as 20. Someone I know who is now turning 20 just got married, which is why I ask the question now.

But are they mature enough to make a lifelong decision like that? Do we know of any successful marriages of persons that age these days (where they are actually happy about it years later? How young is too young to get married and is there even a 'right' age to get married at?
Either they should move up the age of consent for sex or lower the age for marrige. People respect neither moral conventions so to me it doesn't matter anymore. Age has nothing to do with.. people just not ready to do some things but insist on doinging. If it doesn't work the way they want they're gonna break up anyway.. just like that.. no respect for the institution of marrige from the majority of people out there. People just dont ascribe to the ideals that it represents anymore.
Some people marry for sex and other unnecessary benefits at young ages too. A girl i know , her cousin marry to break away from the way she was treated at home. she married to get freedom and go out and lime at the age of 16. Her marrige is based on sex and still crush-love .. i really hope they work somethin out and come to love eachother. It right to get married at a age where you have matured and can think clearly about the future and your partner's future as well where you can handle responsibilities that you have to face eveday and can arise at any time
Alot of marriage fail because they get married too soon..... At age 20 marriage will be the last thing on one's mind... But some women tend to get fooled by men in most situations... Even if the guy is young too or older... The feelings of a women is so different from a women... Women get fooled by what love is, promises, house, car etc.... Why men marry young is still a question in my mind....
I'm 21 and even a boy/girl relationship is stress for me. Everyone is right it all really depends on the person but ALWAYS on the maturity. Age and maturity are still closely related so I say the older you are the more secure the relationship tends to be.
Look at something Rau my brother is a little younger than you and he never thought of marrying and now that he has a gf for 2yrs now he thinking of getting married already. I mean now children want to see the "good" life so fast not only do they know they will begin to see hard times at an early age and see the true colours of their partner and when their eyes open and start seeing other girls/boys then they would regret it.
Screw all a dem who wanna get married young. I like my freedom, so marriage for me is around 28 or even later .
ok kool. but i find these days coming back like the old times days with this young marriage thing . i see alot of people right now regretting it and i would not advise anyone to get married young if they are not financially stable and have second doubts of it
ok ppl let meh warn yuh doh get married early in life ok after 26yrs to 30yrs or so
age really doesnt mean a thing when it comes to s.ex and marriage....its all about maturity....not physical but emotional or psychological....I personally believe that as a man, I will be ready to get married and have s.ex when I can take up the responsibility to financially and emotionally support a full family.
yea is about maturity. Is also about sanity, if you sane, then you know you eh wanna give up yuh freedom to "mingle" to early LOL. If you insane, then you get so sprung you gone and get married, LIFE DONE!
EmpireKing said:
age really doesnt mean a thing when it comes to s.ex and marriage....its all about maturity....not physical but emotional or psychological....I personally believe that as a man, I will be ready to get married and have s.ex when I can take up the responsibility to financially and emotionally support a full family.

Thats really good i wish more people can think like many of us here. In order to make up your mind to marry someone you have to know if you willing to give up everything for them, if you love them enough to be with them for the rest of your life, if you know everything about that person, if you have enough money to support them and a place where you can call home. imagine most married teens or early adults still staying by their parents because they married too young and have to bunk by them for the while until the build a house . i mean its not bad but it is bad when you just think about something and do it and never think of the consequences
once d couple have ah work, ah lil money an ah place to stay its ok buh doh tell meh
nothin like we love each other an we go make it!!! love doh buy food etc
after 26- 30 yrs is gd an also every body should lime ah little
thars good. Once they workin and can mind each other and have their goals set and have good planning then thats good
an d mental state intact coz these days nobody have patients wit dey love ones
so keep dat in mind!!!
Personal choice. If they want to get married, let them yes. People have to make their own mistakes, but some do work out. I know one marriage where both people got married at 18, and they're very happy and still together right now after 4 years. No kids yet though.

But me? I don't even have time for a gf most times, more less a wife. Plus, I love to lime nah, I can't give that up yet.
Some people need to experience the outside life first before they settle down because if they get married too young they start wishing to lime and fete and have friends of different sex and want to go places and they are kept down by their spouse. So they rebel and marriage goes bad.
wen ah see d amount of young unwed teenagers we have to ask dis question....buh ah will always say get ur life in order hav ah gd job an someone whom u r comfortable around an u will kno d age to marry!!!
People are marrying so young and because of this we are having a rising divorce rates. 4+ Years I've been in a relationship and we don't want to marry now ! It's all about being financially stable and independent because if people just jump into marriage that's where problems start and parents have to mind the married couple..No One Said Its Gunna Be Easy but think about your future.. !! Getting Married at 17 and 19 yrs is just too young
You can be married at any age in my view (talking about who are adults 18+) but is if you have a stable job and a home to to facilitate a family, you can't just marry and think about those things later. Because when the times comes it will just cause real problems in the relationship.