How To Use A RoundAbout

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
There is a roundabout located close to where i live and nearly every week there is an accident. Some people are driving on wrong lanes and not stopping for people on the roundabouts as they have the right of way, causing a fluster. Here is some images on how to use a roundabout


OGO_09-05-2013_ROP_01_Roundabout_t620.jpg< A really nice link for a picture motion roundabout to use as a pedestrian , motorist or cyclist.
I believe right of way is those cars from the right, meaning once you are at a point to turn onto the roundabout the cars coming around the roundabout have the right of way.

As for whose actually the one with the right while in transit, thats a good question.
I'd like to bump this up and let people know that roundabouts can be a cause of pretty severe accidents. Was playing passenger recently and someone took the outside lane meant to go left and proceeded to go around the roundabout instead causing a ridiculous near miss between himself and the car on the right lane intending to exit...
They should really teach you how to use a roundabout when teaching you to drive. Sadly I had to learn the hard way like everyone else. Here is what I've learnt so far.

If you are approaching a roundabout or waiting to merge onto one, the cars already on the roundabout (I.e. cars coming from your right) ALWAYS have the right of way. Treat the appraoch as any stop intersection.

if you are on a single lane traffic road going onto a double lane roundabout use the outer lane to turn left. Use either the outer lane to go straight (will state why in a bit). Use the inner lane to turn right.

Double lane traffic to double lane roundabout. Give way to cars on the roundabout. If turning left make sure to be in the left lane when approaching the roundabout. if going straight, right or making a 180 STAY IN YOUR LANE. Try not to change lanes while on the roundabout if you can help it. if you started in the right lane, use the inner lane and come off on the right lane.

I realise a lot of people make the mistake of coming on the roundabout in the left/outer lane and cutting the inner/right lane by the roundabout and back out to the outer/left lane so they can basically go straight across. This is a huge No No and has caused many near misses for me.
Oh I almost forgot, if it's heavy peak hour traffic then none of the above applies. Just squeeze wherever you can fit and see if you can gridlock traffic... I normally get cus for leaving space in front me to let other pass when I have nowhere to go so clearly my approach is wrong :(
I feel you said it best Dude. That's seriously the easiest way to interpret it.

Traffic is pressure in a roundabout, people does operate like they go dead if they give you a chance. Ah time ah man wanted to fight with me because I drive up on he fender and block him when he didn't wanna give me a chance lol.
Except me. I slowed down significantly. I was getting in too many accidents that weren't my fault so I figured if I going to crash I rather crash at a lower speed and increase my chances of survival. I'm still on a bike though so I've only added 10 mins to my Chag/POS rush hour run and roundabouts don't bother me.

When I driving though... that's a different story
LMao I could just imagine The Dude in his Anesis powering through the roundabout and blocking everybody.
Lol nah. I real baby that car. If other people want to rush and scratch up their car that's their business :D
Definitely slow but then too, sometimes it so vicious like ah man give u a chance but d next one on d next lane ain't want you to go, then they want to fight when u still gone in front them.
With all the "recent" road developments and roundabouts being added... I think it is only necessary to bump this thread to remind some people about these rules.
Almost got in accidents twice in two weeks after a round about was added by my junction. People don't wait and that's a fact. They always want to rush the people who have the right of way