How To Heal Cavities Naturally

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008

The world is slowly waking up to the fact that, when you give the body what it needs, it can heal things we previously thought were impossible. A fine example of what is often deemed as an incurable health problem is dental cavities, but extensive research is now becoming more public about the true nature of tooth decay and the fact that there are proven remedies that can remedy it.

The lies perpetrated about tooth decay


Interesting, would like to see some proof to really make it even better.
I'm also interested in any proof. I had a lot of cavities as a child lol I cook with coconut oil often and have been making my own bone broth/stocks to cook with for the past couple years. Maybe as time goes on and I introduce more of these habits I'll notice healthier teeth myself or at least avoid more cavities.
Sometimes I just don't know what to believe. "Experts" claim that not brushing your teeth can give you a heart attack and all sorts of nonsense. I know its possible to have issues if plaque from your teeth gets down the tract but other than that can cavities really be healed?
Can not brushing your teeth kill you?
I'm more intrigued in this topic now that before.
I've spoken to a cardiologist about the teeth brushing thing and he said there actually is a correlation between poor dental hygiene and heart disease. With regards to teeth brushing, the issue there linking to heart health is mainly said to be plaque. I can't remember exactly what he said, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that not brushing your teeth causes heart attacks. I think his message was more along the lines of how brushing is one more thing you can do to avoid further accumulation of plaque in your arteries. If a patient has blocked arteries, they're often advised to make lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise, but nowadays I'm hearing doctors promoting good dental hygiene as well. I think dental hygiene is good regardless, so it's just one more reason to take care of your teeth.

You don't need a 100% blocked artery to have a heart attack. I've met people with less than 60% blocked arteries that had recurring heart attacks in less than a decade and others with 99%-100% blockages that had a one time episode of myocardial infarction with resulting after-effects. Some people have plaque buildup due to diet and lifestyle, and for some, hereditary factors are a stronger influence, so again, I wouldn't say that teeth brushing alone will totally prevent a heart attack. Anyone with even one partially blocked artery should look into treating that though.
Thats what I'm saying, its just that acclaimed experts tend to make some interesting statements and call it fact when we really don't know 100% whether it is or isn't. It makes sense what you're saying and I agree with that. There is a relation between dental hygiene and heart disease due to plaque but I'm really not sure how some articles with "experts" can claim that not brushing your teeth once or twice can get you in a serious medical condition thats so critical you can possibly die.
I get what you're saying. Maybe the hyperbole is to scare people into taking it more seriously? I've met some doctors that take exaggeration to a whole 'nother level lol
Some people believe in 'Oil Pulling' which means the first thing that you do when you get up is to gargle a mouthful of coconut oil . It apparently suppose to pull the cavities from the teeth and restore good health to the mouth.

However, there has been alot of health risks associated with this practice. Please talk to the dentist or doctor first before trying
Some people believe in 'Oil Pulling' which means the first thing that you do when you get up is to gargle a mouthful of coconut oil . It apparently suppose to pull the cavities from the teeth and restore good health to the mouth.

However, there has been alot of health risks associated with this practice. Please talk to the dentist or doctor first before trying

I tried this once and I was shocked at how the oil looked when I spit it out lol I don't have that patience to try it again though, and my house apparently cannot survive with me being unresponsive for that kinda time lol
Some people was so shocked at the sensation too, that they swallowed the oil or was choking on it .

I think also who wants to try it , need to do a full research and know what to expect. Thank you shadow! great post as always