How To Change You Air Filter

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
You need a new air filter for your car every 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first. You can pay a mechanic and will have to wait long, or you can replace your air filter at home in about ten minutes.

  1. First, find your filter under the hood of your car. It?s in a black rectangular box with metal clips on the side. Check your owner?s manual if you don?t see it as soon as you pop the hood.
  2. Open up the casing, and check out how the air filter fits inside it. Make a note of which way the filter faces.
  3. Remove the old air filter, and insert the new one exactly how the old one sat.
  4. Remember to close the metal clips when you?re done.

That?s it! :D For extra savings in the long run, you can extend the life of your new air filter by hitting it with some compressed air to clear out any debris.

I hope this helps someone to better understand what was said above so you may not need to consult the 300+ page manual.

Contrary to popular belief, the K&N Reusable Air Filters do not cause any harm to your engine or Mass Air Flow Sensor. The oil should be applied such that it forms a thin barrier between the particles in the air and the filter itself. I have used several of these filters in the past and currently continue to use one without problem.
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