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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
As the topic say how did you actually find us, i'm the founder so i can say lol but you how did you find us
i dunno how i find this site. lol think its from tstt forums i was lookin how to get free mobile internet, then some1 referred me to trinimobile, then umm lol i cant remember the name of the other site, then there was (that site was hott dunno where it went tho) and then i reached here lol
At the begining i was force to be on this site..... I was completly lost too.... But now, its like the total opposite... I now a moderator....I so attached to the radio strreams... I try my best to post when i get a little time off from work but except on weekends... no internent home... bottom line its a very cool site when you get attached to it!!!!
from brbk cuz he wanted get people 2 join :icon_razz:
lol i had d banner on my myspace n hi5 n i made a couple ppl join but idk if dey still come online lol
i helped with the forum..i knew it since the day it was born lol
a friend told me bout it...said i should check it out...i did...& then i decided 2 join...& datz how im here now...
I wonder is any one found us through google or yahoo on doing a search.
Yea i found you guys when i was on google searching for trinistores and i'm here cool site i should say
I was doing research on our mobile networks and i come upon a forum with kemraj, death365 and a few others. They were pretty cool and knew alot of stuff so I tagged along. Then the kemraj dude started his own forum called trinimobile it was the nerd center for all us phone freaks...and i dont know what happened but then admin was running the site. :). Admin made that had an arcade too and it was awesome but then it died :( . Then after a while he made this one :D and its the best.. then the first site he ever made got depressed and drank itself to death. It was lonely and neglected :| . ... but he made a sister site for Trinispice called trinismack but trinismack went through menapause and stopped liking car stuff. But TriniSpice started helping trinismack out and now they're healthy and mostly happy. :)
Sorry I went off track there.
I didn't find TriniSpice.Net.. it found me :D
well i'm payin some bills (internal) in regards to keepin d site alive!!! an ah was from inception its just ah never posted,
ah was an annoyin member an still is!!! always will be till d enddddddddddddd