Help! with Nokia 6300

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Jun 11, 2008
Hey... I Have A Nokia 6300 And Its In Perfect Working Condition.. It Fell One Day And Now My Sim Card Not Working In It.. If I Put My Sim Card In The Phone And I Try To Make A Call It Says "No Network Coverage" And Im Not Getting Any Sevice.. But If I Power Up My Phone Jus So Without Sim Card Everything Works Perfect.. Videos Play/Music/Radio etc... Everything Works... But As I Put In My Sim Card Its Not Recognizing It..
Firstly please don't make topic's named help,
Ok what you can do if try the master reset on you phone will would erase all info stored on the phone so back up your contacts in your sim card. thats one

If that don't work turn off you phone and insert the charger and charge the phone when the phone is off,after the phone charge is complete take out the battery and leave the phone like that for 5 mins then put in back the battery and see.
If it still does not work please say
u may have damaged the attenna module OR just knocked it loose ... open the phone an check if its loose or carry it by some one to check it .... the cable attaching it may have just been knocked loose