Heart breakers


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Active Member
Jun 16, 2008
Have you ever been in a relationship and got heart broken by your mate? To some people, its a touchy subject while others can express freely. Thats my question....Why is it so hard for some people to express there break ups while others jus can't keep it to themselves.....

My experience: Never had that experience of being heart broken....But personal stuff, I can't keep to myself... I must share it with a very close friend of mines.

So, whats ur story?
I've never been in a relationship to get hurt but its the thing i fear most... :eek:mg:
I dont know why but its always it big issues for me to get vulnerable...
I know some problems are inevitable in relationships but the kind i see some people having just not right...
it scares me, i dont wanna be some relationship junkie... dont wanna be overbaring either... :eek:mg:
To your surprise it may be different RC.... U must not underestimate urself like this...

Anyway, after talking with other people with relationship issues, i realise that no one admitts they are the wrong party... Why can't people blame themselves... Can't they see that they are the wrong ones or is it denial?
some people expect their partners to be perfect but they not willing to play their part in making the relationship. they only participate for thier own gain... of course the will be dissapointed and bitter when crap happens...
I could never be bitter after a break up unless i was completely mistaken, and it would still be that i was wrong about the person... i dunno.. its really hard to hate someone you claimed to love....
its d ones dat loves u dat hurts u d worst, we love to blame an not learn to accept ppl for whom or wat they are, we always d rite one!!! i'm guilty of hurtin others an cant stop coz
we feel we always rite, ah guess i was hurt too much in d past so it time to kick some arse now!!! :evil:
its d ones dat loves u dat hurts u d worst,
I agree......being in luv is kool....brokenhearted....dais ah whole different ball game dey.......its easier to blame than b responsible for one's actions.......one is a mistake, twice is stupidity, three time is a habit........dais wa I believe........Yes I've been brokenhearted......but I'm happy for the experience......its like tuning my guitar.....i can now recognise d sound i dont want.....lol.....I really dont like to lay my problems on anyone.....but sometimes talkin does help....and well uncle jack daniels....lol

ah guess i was hurt too much in d past so it time to kick some arse now!!!
....at one time I use to think like dat.......buh too much good ppl might get hurt ....
Its nice to know that there are good people out there who cares for others and there feeelings.....

As odinson said" Its a learning experience" ...ok that a wrong statement...Its a experience that will hurt like crap if yuh into that person... But on the bright side , yuh know what to look out for....
wen yuh get hurt look to c wat was d problem, solve it an move on....... if u can't den u have to hurt d other party, hurt comes is in different ways, even ah blessing in disguise ok
everybody want wats showin on d movies ( in trini it doh wok like dat ppl ) its tough love dong here!!!
if u can't den u have to hurt d other party,
...wa?.....dat eh makin sense.......well I guess everybody deals with hurt in their own........my question is.....if u luv someone and they hurt u, if u hurt dem bac, did u really luv dem?.......define tough luv dey.......
odinson said:
if u can't den u have to hurt d other party,
...wa?.....dat eh makin sense.......well I guess everybody deals with hurt in their own........my question is.....if u luv someone and they hurt u, if u hurt dem bac, did u really luv dem?.......define tough luv dey.......
Madsuya answer we nah!!! lol i really want to know what you mean by that.
i havnt been n a relationship...but i hav friendz who had gotten their heart broken by text message...of course they come 2 me & tell me wat happened...they alwayz lik da guy they're with @ da time...then afta a while da guy breakz up wit them over text message, which even i say iz sucky...
^^^wat!.....by tex msg........these fellas need to grow some balls.....there is no honour in doin dat.......yuh frenz should be happy dey leave ......sometings should b done personally.......

Madsuya answer we nah!!! lol i really want to know what you mean by that.
.....sometings pbobally dont hav answers......
Hmmm, i remeber this one girl that gave me a serious tabanca!!! Man i was head-over heels for dat girl... we dated for a while. For some reason we started growing apart. Doh matter how I tried to fix things, nothing seemed to work. I remember back when cell-phone wasn't so popular and people use to flock de pay-phones to make calls. I used to be by that pay-phone trying to find out what went wrong..All de blasted time... Sometimes rain will start to fall and I still there on de phone...lol. *sad eh?* Man i lost her and there was nothing I could've done to get her back... I remember that faithful afternoon, when reality hit..I lost her.. man...not ashamed to say, I cried!!! I really loved that girl.
Sometime later, we began talking again...we started gettin close once more...but one night i called her and said that I can't do it anymore. I won't allow myself to go through what i went through for you. I told her that it would be best that we be friends. I moved on after that.
sometimes we hurt ppl unknowingly an its sad but we have to do wats best for us sometines!!! stress is ah killer so take d heart break an move on, we r trini an hotblood an we bunce bk quickly so stop d winein an go take ah drink or do like me just fu--in lime every chance u get, we learn from each HURT ah duh tink like others thats y ah prob alone!!! maybe :evil: