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Update. According to initiaL figures, the death toll is estimated at approximately 100,000. That is horrific. I got email of pictures afte the quake. but its on work. will post them up tomorrow. This is really sad. Haiti is already an improverished country. Then to have this happen? My deepest condolences go out to that nation.
omg 100 000 thats really alot and that the accounted ones how can this happen, hati is already so poor how can they cope with this.
Thats a little less than a tenth of the population of Trinidad could you imagine that, i heard on news that Manning giving 1 million us to them which is great but money does not matter now. We should buy the supplies here and send over the items instead of money for now.
They need more basics necessitates than getting money when time to rebuild give them the money but send help first
I think that they need both. But right now, the money would be better. They still pulling bodies from under fallen structures eetc. So the money to bring in eqiupment, man-power etc would be better. When the rebuilding phase come around, peole will be relocated to camps and temporary structures. that's when food items and supplies would be good.
But the whole country is shook up it would be faster if the items is purchased before and then send to them it much faster. If them receive the money they will have to calculate the sums look internationally ( That includes The caribbean) to buy these items them they will have to wait on these items. It would be much don't you see
Nope Darlings Is 3million people dead so far and hospitals cannot help them because the hospital breakdown too...
oh my bad 5000,00 dead......and 3million affected...I saw some pics today with people picking up dead babies and others. Other ones are with people in concrete rubble waiting to be saved
I believed we the other Caribbean countries failed hati we were suppose to be the first set of countries to help Hati but we are the last. USA and the rest already reach and is helping but the other Caribbean countries are right here so close and yet we failed them. ITs a shame other counties care more about our own fellow Caribbean country then we it self
Admin it even worse. We now sending people to calculate the damage! Like lives not at stake or something we have to send a delegation or commitee to see what we could do. I dont think our countries does take CNN seriously. Even if it's only money we could give we dont need to see any more than we already have to know how bad it is. WTF. We could fall in with the others cuz they ain't stickin. They already saving people for days now. We stickin. At least our citizens start collecting stuff. but we governments loss their way or foolin people.
They don't even care about us they will care about other people if its something the prime minister could show off on he could care about.
On a not so related note: Did anyone notice I spelt HAITI wrong in the thread title.. :|
Manning probably think he could deal with it like how the hurricane was.. but this much much worse. His press conference didn't even look like he was trying to convince people.. sad. If he loss he could tell the truth.. but looking halfway wont get anything done.
Trinidadians are using Haiti's destruction for there own publicity.... All and i mean ALL political parties graacefully donated money and other stuff to Haiti...Its right that they do it BUT its the way they do it.... All the TV and radio stations had clips of them bravely saying what there party has done for Haiti.... But when a child is in need of a surgery and wants to raise the money, you don't hear from these same politician..
I think some of manning's contribution is a show off to other countries
WAAAAYY!!! A man find he wife after SIX DAYS! Trapped in rubble in Haiti. No food or water or bed. No NOTHING| o_O. WTFri.. :O Oh my God. SIX DAYS! God is great.. very. :O I know I saw it but... incredible... How da man know. The building crumble completely.. :O It was scary if it wasn't for the rescue teams from quite America they wouldn't be able to get to her.. even though they could hear her.. :|
See that their that is amazing and i'm so happy to hear that. For someone to survive so long is amazing and not only that under a building her husband must be feel so happy even happier than the day he married her
ITs a sad sad year but even if they were devastated by the earthquake why is it there a reason to kill one another and fight one another. They should be working with each other to make it through this difficult time. Come one the people of haiti you guys can do better than that!