Hassan Atwell "Jesus Of Trinidad & Tobago"


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Jul 25, 2015
Hassan Atwell who was charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, possession of a firearm, possession of ammunition, robbery and robbery with aggravation was found shot dead on the compound of the Servol Sunshine Hill Life Centre at Calvary Hill, East Dry River, Port of Spain on Sunday after he and 2 other prisoners shot their way out of POS Prison on Friday. The three prisoners had managed to get their hands on two 9mm firearms and a hand grenade which they used to escape from the Frederick Street prison.

Now when he escaped, alot of people were applauding him and wishing him the best of luck over his facebook celebrity profile. He was highly praised by his followers and prayers were said for him . His followers were saying that the reason he broke out of prison was that he got depressed over the conditions in prison he was forced to endure and the long time spent waiting for his time in court.

His son said his father was no monster.
He was very religious and he always encouraged our family members to have a strong spiritual centre. He never used Islam or the fact that he was a Muslim to advance any kind of terrorism, nothing like that. He was always spiritually grounded .On Facebook there were a lot of people commenting and wishing him well and stuff because he was not a monster or this person who was just out to harm people. I guess a lot of people do not know my father and we always see these situations where persons always make comments and then somebody from the family would come up and say ‘nice boy,’ this, that and the other. I guess people on the outside who don’t have a personal relationship with him would not see.

His Mother Said "He is a Hero".
She also described him as a hero who “fed the homeless and clothed the naked” and who stood up for what he believed in.“He's not a bad boy but he stood up for what he believed in and it was six years he had been waiting,” she said.
She added that “my son had not been sentenced and was never proven guilty”, but, “he was treated unfair in a corrupted system because we lost a hero who defended his people.

I am speechless and shame for Trinidad and Tobago. Hassan Atwell is praised and called a spiritual person and a hero, for killing a Police Officer, dangering the lives of innocent people and causing havoc on POS. A person is dead because of this man. A family is in mourning, and a mother is hurting because she lost her son in the line of duty. PC Sherman Maynard is the real hero. Please kill yourselves followers.

Let me get this straight. If Hassan Atwell was a hero and a good boy , why was he in jail for numerous different charges? If he was so spiritual why did he use guns to kill others? What was he doing in Laventille when he escaped? If he was fed up, why didn't he use social media to contact Trinidad media and report what was going on? Why did he manipulate the Muslim religion to justify what he was doing ?

I want people to get this straight, Allah never taught people to kill, murder or commit crimes just because they were fedup and under no circumstances. Did prophet Muhammad ( PBUM ) retaliate, or start a war when people were trying to kill him? No, he hid in a cave and prayed. Hassan Atwell is a Judas and i am personally glad that he is dead. A person with that kind of twisted mind frame don't deserve to live on this planet.


Hmmm have no comments other than its true. Not only him but most criminals, their relatives and otherwise always with he was ah good boy scene. If that was true then he wouldn't have busted out of jail or gone in to start with.

Where the mother say BUT he stood up for what he believed in, of course. That's the sell out right there. The parents are just as twisted as this man. Seeing things through twisted eyes to justify why its OK to take the life of another disregarding their life and any importance placed on them by those around them. Nobody in their right minds would kidnap or steal to prove a point.

I am totally fed up with this he was a good boy talk. Everyone knows that good boys aren't what their families say they are.
We need some tough love from parents. If I did all that and get thrown in jail my brothers would come on news and say I look for it and they only wish they coulda hit me some hard slap before I went. Maybe that's just me and my family though. Right is right and wrong is wrong, regardless of your relationship to the person. But yeah, I don't believe that he was a "good one" on bit. I don't believe he understands what good is.
Criminals don't treat their families harshly. Criminals might actually support their families with dirty money, so in essence, to them, he is a good boy.
Very few parents you would hear saying "well he used to follow bad company" etc. Those are the few who do not condone what their sons do. But for others, once money flowing them happy.
That's true. The thing is, there are a lot of dishonest people in Trinidad and getting older does not make you more honest... but we must respect our elders...
Stop lying little boy! All your statements are false! You would never see straight because he was your sperm donor.
All Evidence Below clearly shows that he did use the fact that he was a muslim to advance terrorism. AND HE WAS INDEED A MONSTER WHO WAS JUST OUT TO HARM PEOPLE!

His mother prays to the devil then? Becuase if she thinks a criminal is a hero i can just imagine what she thinks of the devil.
She think the state wronged him too? Well miss, no one told your son to break out of prison and kill n officer. He deserve to be right where he is now, with ALLAH ;)

He never used Islam or the fact that he was a Muslim to advance any kind of terrorism, nothing like that. He was always spiritually grounded .On Facebook there were a lot of people commenting and wishing him well and stuff because he was not a monster or this person who was just out to harm people.


So these people are promoting the death of prison officers? Encouraging other to join and kill those whom they believe are oppressing them in the name of ALLAH?
And really nothing is being done about this, We in this country like it so.
As far as I'm aware, Islam never said to kill, I think these guys just taking things into their own context to make excuses for their actions.
Any criminal lawyers here? Can they be held for conspiracy towards murder or treason for the following statements
"The head of every officer must fall"
"...give us the names of the officers that did the beating, if not we will take your head instead"

It seems to me that they are Anjule Lynson is directly threatening to kill members of our protective services if they do not do what he wants.
They're just hiding behind religion for a reason to commit crime. Same thing with ISIS, who knows if ISIS here already working with them.
Isis and Trinidad is real. Just like Abu Bakr , the caparo mosque and those 3 escapees are working together. Bet you Abu and Anil does have secret meetings. Everything will come to light just now.

I know Abu was planning another Coup or behind it for an SOE. Why would special branch post that memo if it was not serious or police stations blocking off roads and taking precautions?? Now that it went viral, things died down.
Well there are rumors of it being part of a bigger plot


I say stock up on some hurricane food in case something happens. You know everyone going to rush to the groceries to buy food so they can lock up themselves for two weeks.
I have a friend that is in to politics alot. He actually posted a picture on facebook awhile ago where he stocked up on groceries and essentials .
There is also a voice message circulating whatsapp and facebook telling everyone that something big is happening soon and to be prepared for a SOE in the country. That Police stations are being more tightly secured and alert and on watch.

Did anyone receive it yet?
I haven't checked whatsapp in forever though. I had a hunch that something big was going to happen long time so I stocked up on some survival ebooks and I've read a few so far, from cooking to US-Army field manuals for the army/marines/SEALs. I should finish those in a couple weeks or by September for the latest.

Also, stay tuned to Crime Watch. Very interesting info there, from politicians conspiring against the PM to the prevention of an upcoming insurrection. Did you see how the members on the Jamaat Al Muslimeen reacted to Ian Alleyne's presence on Abu Bakr's compound when he only wanted to speak to Bakr?
Them fellas nearly beat Ian Alleyne. He a brave man. Just he and the cameraman against a compound full of Jamaat.
Them fellas nearly beat Ian Alleyne. He a brave man. Just he and the cameraman against a compound full of Jamaat.

Is the skinny one who only doing like he want to start it. I find it hard to believe Islam teaching that. They giving true believers a bad name in this place.