Handicap Parking Areas & Infrastructure In T&T


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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
As we are slowly moving to a more developed nation, areas and infrastructure for handicap citizens must be made a priority. Sometimes you enter groceries, malls , car parks, shopping centers , retail stores etc. and there are no places for handicap citizens to even enter the establishment. While there are some places that have these in place, the majority of T&T has not.

Recently, there have been a majority of ads on the newspapers , television and also movie towne cinemas to make the public aware to not park in handicap zones. Many have been photographed on Trini Bad Parking facebook group including Army Personnel that parked in Handicap zones, leaving the unable people to struggle for parking and walk all the way to an establishment. I think people should be charged for this !

I give props to places such as UWI for implementing these infrastructure in mostly all of their buildings but more parking areas are needed for these students/staff.

What do you guys think of this ? Do you think more is needed to educate the public on the matter?
Do you think that building codes should include a handicap access?
I think all buildings should have handicap parking spaces and entrances/exits as well as emergency exit plans catering to people with handicaps and/or disabilities. Many people with handicaps or disabilities are made to feel like invalids as the lack of accommodation forces them to depend on other members of their family to carry out errands and assist them with activities thus forcing everyone to revolve their careers, personal lives, etc on getting things done and the places that will allow them to.

More awareness definitely needs to be spread on this issue as for most folks, they don't realize the gravity of this until they or someone they care about ends up with a handicap. For those that are temporarily handicapped, they can't wait for it to be over until they can go back to "normal". For those permanently handicapped, there is no "normal". More often than not, they consider themselves lucky if they can enter a building on their own, or find a close enough parking space to safely reach the entrance at least.

Sadly, although there are many who take up the handicap parking spots and crowd the handicap entrances unnecessarily, I'm pretty sure there are some who get fake or exaggerated handicap stuff with the hopes of getting through with things faster and easier. Regardless, we should try to accommodate handicapped people more. I'd like to add that just as important as infrastructure is common courtesy; apparently a great secret in today's society lol.
Nice to know about these parking in T&T and their infrastructure.It will helps me to understand it well because i know a little bit about this side.Nice sharing i got on this thread.