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New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Hey spicians, in these tough economic times, we need an alternative gaming solution to counteract the high prices of games we normally kill hours doing. So i recommend turning to the internet for some really fun flash based games. Sure they won't be all glitzy and sport high-def graphics or anything like that, but they're simple and fun. Often times addictive. There are hundreds of these sites that let you play flash games...and the best part..........ITS ALL FREE!!!! sweet. So save ur hard earned cash and spend some time on these sites. You won't regret it. There are games for every possible genre. is a good one. You can do a search for flash games and you get them.. have on! :Yea:
So what about trinispice arcade it self we have loads of flash games that if you have a high score it will show up in your profile or anywhere you post check it out btw its free too arcade.php
I started to play some game in the arcade but the scores were to high to beat lol to i just give up lol
Yeah wispa, kingfish and me lose hope of beating candyann. lol. But what i would really want to beat the flaming drive one! that one is the bestest hardest game we have. You have to be lucky to beat that score.
My bad..I should have mention our very own But you got the drift of my post... So to correct past: Trinispice sports its very own flash based arcade. so head on over and have some free flash fun.
You mean the flamingo drive...woooooooooooo and i have that score try to beat me guys