Girls of Gaming

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Jun 9, 2008

How should girls be depicted in games? typical portrayal [big boobs, kute face, sexy body] or regular realistic?
Since it's a video game i would say typical portrayal. Nothing is wrong with the regular realistic but in a video game world things are different and when i'm playing it's really cool to have a character who's strong, sexy and can kick ass at the same time. It's like a fantasy world and anything is possible.

Plus there is the appeal. It helps in terms of marketing and sales.

And also it depends on the video game and the genre it's in.

Personally, when i'm playing i would like to see characters that are not normal and boring.

In the above pics the first one looks more suited for a video game.
Yeah in some other forms of entertainment the depiction of women is the typical one i dont see why video games would be different. In some movies and cartoons the female image is a bit stereotyped so yeah it wont matter much in video games and like splash said its fantasy- it almost always needs to be more extreme than the norm.
True thats why they call it video games..its for when u see they type of characters they are pretty outstanding..doesn't that make u feel confident when kicking a$$
dont really matter to me. as long as its a good game. look at Halflife 2 for example. She was nothing spectacular but the game was fantastic.
Alot of Japanese games, does be no realistic naturally Japanese woman don't have big big eyes or big breast, but only in games they make those features much larger lol, DOn't know why, even in anime lol
^you know how american chicks get implants to have larger boobs? big eyes are a big thing for asian chicks.

you know that crease we have over our eyelids? they don't have that and they have surgery to get the crease over their eyes. weird huh?
hmmm that said. that is a big sweet 16 present. lolzzzzzz anywayss implants are gayy, no disrepect to ppl wit implants, i just say the implants are gayyyy
Even if its unrealistic i still prefer they continue to exaggerate on the physical details of the female characters in games, Its make it more interesting to play i must say really doesnt matter 2 long az da game iz lik a create ur own character kinda thing...& itz a really good game...i'll play neway...i dont pay dat much attention 2 da appearance of da characterz...
i like boobs. but some games they make the boobies a little too bouncy its like hahaha funny.
Look at this. Its the same game but one is the Japan cover and the other is the US cover. lol i guess only japanese ppl like sexy girls on there covers, lol

