General Election,fact or myth

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New Member
Jun 11, 2008
So do you all think that there is really going to be a general election held soon,or could it be just a bluff.
only the date will be announced this year election will be next year
Well they currently paving the majority of the southern main road which has been really bad in some areas for years now,and everyone knows the only time they does come to pave is when elections coming,so i really wonder.
Something is going down...when is the question...Y would they be nominating people so early? Y would he (PM) want to hold a rally (which he didn't get permission for) so early? We jus have to wait an see next month...
yes ah date will be announce soon!!! election is near ah smellin it
You ent hear they postpone the property tax so you only know that election coming up, is only when election coming up you does be seeing manning coming to your house acting like he cares
Parliament dissolving tonight which means elections by July!!
Yeah I think its some time around July. Once Parliment has been dissolved, elections must be held within three months after. So be prepared for the compaigning to begin. Roads being paved etc. The Property tax was retracted, the TRA (Trinidad Revenue Authority) bill was scrapped because of strong opposition from the those in Opposition and independent senators as well as the dissolving of parliment. So elections definitely on the horizons.
Yes since the dissolvement of Parliament I am certain there would be one so on. Honestly I dont care who wins. Both PNM and UNC seem to care most about their home base instedd of the entire country, so i expect campaigns from boths parties relative to THEIR PEOPLE instead of all Trinbagonians. Regardless of who wins I would not rejoice.
That's true,I believe is about time we see change but don't matter who wins there's not much to rejoice for. Also true is that political parties need to put their one way antiquated mindset behind them and start SERVING the people of Trinidad and Tobago and not descend into a pick and choose game of who you really care about. Wonder if any politician ever sit down and ponder on the words,
here every creed and race,find an equal place
I don't want anyone to take anything I say from here on personally, but I REALLY don't understand when people say "they don't care". You've spent all this time complaining, raising issues in our country, and now that you're getting a chance to make a change, you "don't care".

Then what is the point of even living here? LOGICAL MINDSETS people. If there are 500 murders a year now, and there's 300 murders with another party in power, wouldn't that be a small win. YES, there is still crime, but at least 200 people's lives will be saved and one of them could be yours, or your mother, father, brother, sister. I'm not saying one is better than the other, but the way things are going now...can it get worse? You don't care about property tax?? Inflation?? Dependence on oil?? If you don't care then I need to be living where you're living because it seems like these things don't affect you.

If you're so quick to judge, judge yourself first, because you not doing any better.

Anyways, I don't have nothing else to say. If you don't vote, just don't complain. I done.
Hehehe i agree.

This is my country right? Ent i have my whole life here and people who i care about like my family ? Ent i care about my future and future generation ? So d HELL TO THAT I CARE ! I CARE ABOUT EVERYTHING! I LIVING HERE SO ARE U NOT AS WELL? I care about crime, our economy and much more and lemme tell allure something THIS IS WHY TRINISPICE CAME ABOUT...FOR PEOPLE WHO CARE IN THE FIRST PLACE...i was a victim of crime and lemme tell you something i want any party except darm PNM
ms Death gd reply...double for me...wat d hell i care an i will complain till.....who doh care don't vex bout PNM!!! yeh vote for all wat we have now an more gd tings to come....
Trinispice was built on the same foundation and you go tell me someone don't care ABOUT MANNING SPENDING YUH TAX MONEY ON A CHURCH????? And we living in a plural society have Muslims and Hindus and jus bcuz he is a Christian he wanna build a official one? Don't care about manning also USING YUH TAX MONEY TO SPEND ON HIS HOUSE ON $3M DRAPERIES. Come on when poverty and these things is still visible everywhere NAH
Lady Death Damon are you ok ?..who are you yelling at? I ask because I did not see you say any names in your lat two previous outbursts..just checkin if you ok deary..

As for the topic at hand I still currently choose not to vote for either party..simply because I am not convinced by either one..
@ TFM, It's true to say that if you don't vote then don't complain because if you don't vote then it may have been your vote that could have elected or not elected the better party to power to run the country,but you always have to look at this both ways because just because someone does not wish to vote or get themselves involved in politics you cannot tell them not to complain since at the end of the day it's everyone's tax paying dollars that running the country and not only those that choose to vote.

@ Lady Death Demon What is this foundation that trinispice was built on?
Hahaa yeah guys i know these days i stressed out..don't take it personally it's not you i yelling at LMAO

And as for cool3ni check the about us page its there if you didn't see it