Future Generation?


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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Might seem like such a silly post but i just had to share what a friend asked me .
Long ago our generation didn't have Laptops, ipads , techy game consoles etc. We lived in the time where we made friends, played outside, run, fall down , get up back and fall down again. We knew so many hand games and the play park was always full.
Indoors was seen as punishment because we didn't get to go outside and play. Most of our generation was burnt from the sun and had bruises we could of named by incident. This lead us to be tough and strong, well from my experience. I have learnt alot from my childhood that i needed when i grew into an adult.

However, children today is the opposite. You hardly ever see children playing outside. They are kept mostly indoors due to crime, home work, techy games on ipads, laptops, pc, gameboys, gaming consoles etc. or just hate the sun. Some of them have never played hopscotch or know what it is like to play in the rain. They are so sensitive now that if some of them go out in the sun, their hands come up defensively to block the sun or every little fall they make its a big deal. Some of them worry about body image and making gfs/bfs when they go to preschool.

This lead my friend to ask me , " How come most of the kids you see today , don't have bruises or aren't darken from the sun . They are so sensitive too eh" . I agree! Maybe its not a bad thing to be raised in today's society like that. But i don't think it prepares them for the reality of the tough society
They do not need to go outside in the sun to play....the parents could introduce their children to sports such as basketball,football swimming and they will socialize with other children their age....so kids don't have the opportunity in their neighborhood as they are the youngest and surrounded only by older heads hence they use video games more often
They do not need to go outside in the sun to play....the parents could introduce their children to sports such as basketball,football swimming and they will socialize with other children their age....so kids don't have the opportunity in their neighborhood as they are the youngest and surrounded only by older heads hence they use video games more often

Correct. Nobody in my neighbour really mixes with their neighbours. They all jump in their cars they gone.

Also with changing times we have not solved the age old problem its actually getting worse whereby people have become terribly sensitive to everything.
Long ago outside was our playground. Kids used to make friends with other neighbourhood kids, well thats how it was in my area. Socializing was always key for us where one will say it takes a village to raise a child. Not again
Sometimes there is a large age gap...when I was younger I had no1 my age....everyone was 4yrs and much older than me so I had to try and socialize with the older fellas and for some children that could be difficult....(wasn't difficult for me)
Sometimes there is a large age gap...when I was younger I had no1 my age....everyone was 4yrs and much older than me so I had to try and socialize with the older fellas and for some children that could be difficult....(wasn't difficult for me)

Same with me. I eventually grew to be ahead of my peers for some time eventually due to always being around adults.
I don't think the difference is just because of technology. Parents and people with influential power in children's lives make the calls. Some families are more comfortable living in certain ways. Sometimes children from one family can grow up very differently based on how they are treated and influenced. In the same way gender roles are influenced, I think playful activities are influenced. Some people will push for their children to be more outdoors-y just as some will push for their children to stay inside. You may see more of certain behaviors but that does not go for all. I think a lot of people have children with the intention for them to be just like them or better versions of themselves and influence their children to have their interests since it's what they know and are comfortable with. I think having a balance and being well-rounded is a good thing, and not all things from the past are worth repeating.