Flea Markets Debate?


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Jun 9, 2008
SO The business people have spoken and they said this

"They do not cooperate and do business with the wider business community," he said, adding unlike local businesses, they do not pay taxes and other overheads local businessmen are obligated to.
"Most of them are practically operating here without work permits and residing in the country illegally. We can't go to India and do what they are doing here," he said.
The association, he said, has observed these foreign businessmen also have the privilege locals do not have, such as being able to buy millions of dollars in foreign exchange and sending it out of the country.
"We are asking the Government to give us a level playing field, especially when the economy is bleeding," he said, adding, "If we apply to buy US$50,000 to do our business, we would not be given it. Right now, foreign exchange is scarce. If the Indians apply for it, they get it."
He called on Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Cadiz and Finance Minister Winston Dookeran to look into the matter and stop the "flea markets".

Its true that they are saying..Some kind of process or space should be put into place for these indian people or laws for these kind of things. i really don't mind the flea markets saris are like $100 for two :)
lol Trinidad is the land of opportunity now?

I didn't know this was so widespread, but it is indeed true that it needs to be regulated, the country needs to retain wealth. Things like this makes revenue leave our country. We should gain from it, or at least not lose capital.