Family Planning In Trinidad & Tobago

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Jun 9, 2008
Too many times we have seen poor parents with many children. They may love them but most of them was unplanned because they didn't have the money to buy proper forms of contraceptives. We may even see middle class or rich with large families because they are uneducated about family planning methods available for use. In America although you have to have insurance to get medical help, they have free family planning institutions for everyone e.g young girls , married couples etc.
I think with the growing population in Trinidad and Tobago, the number of illegal abortions and babies being dumped are on the rise.
Some are uneducated about family planning methods and i think that many should be more aware about this. Planned Parenthood should always be an option .The government should start an awareness program for communities or in health centers about family planning also let it be known that there are other forms of contraceptives to condoms for example :

Birth Control Implant (Implanon and Nexplanon)
Birth Control Patch (Ortho Evra)
Birth Control Pills
Birth Control Shot (Depo-Provera)
Birth Control Sponge (Today Sponge)
Birth Control Vaginal Ring (NuvaRing)
Breastfeeding as Birth Control
Cervical Cap (FemCap)
Male Condom
Female Condom
Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FAMs)
Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception)
Sterilization for Women
Withdrawal (Pull Out Method)
Very important topic, i disturbs me to know that there are people who are poor with 5-6 children coming on the media begging for help from people and the government. Let me say something first i'm sadden by this but at the end of the day you as a mother and father allowed this to happen to your selves. How can you allow your self to have 3,4,5,6 children and you can't take of even one. That is total crap and i believe if you used contraceptive measures this would not take place, but again pleasure trumps everything else right.
It sickened me to the core some time ago when i saw a woman begging for help from the government for her 5 children. She is single and she is pregnant with another man's child wtf.
Yes this is the culture we have in Trinidad. Its called the single mother cycle . When a woman gets pregnant and the man/husband leaves/divorces her she ends up as a single parent. She looks for comfort and support from another man and in turn has a baby for him. Things turn for the worse and so happens the cycle repeats itself all over again. Yes men too are at fault but its a WOMAN'S JOB TO PUT HER FOOT DOWN..TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! USE PROTECTION! ITS YOUR BODY AND YOURS ALONE!