
Although applications will be made to the National Commission for Self Help and the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services to assist with the rebuilding of pensioner George Tang’s home, his family is worried that the area is no longer safe.
Tang’s daughter, Anna Licia, said yesterday that she was advised to visit the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation today so that the necessary paperwork can be done in order to access government grants.
So far, the corporation’s Disaster Preparedness Unit has provided the family of six with food hampers and mattresses. On Saturday, their home at Murli Street, La Romaine, was toppled by strong winds which tossed them, appliances and furniture around.
T&TEC has cut the electricity supply and fire officers have warned against staying at the house as the structure is said to be no longer stable.
Tang said she, her two children, ages six and two, and husband are currently crammed in at her sister’s two-bedroom apartment. The landlord has given them a week’s grace, but Tang said she is hoping temporary housing will come soon as they are in desperate need. She said she is hoping that the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) could fast-track an application which she and her husband made six years ago in light of her family’s situation.
Tang said while her father wants to rebuild his home, the land is slipping since a swamp was created in the back of the house due to the construction work on the Solomon Hochoy Highway Extension to Point Fortin project.
“I’m hoping to go to the HDC and raise the case with them because we’re in desperate need. The situation with the swamp created by the highway work is pulling the land,” Tang said.
“People are dumping tyres as well, causing a lot of mosquitoes and the neighbours said they’re seeing caimans in their yards and walking across the road. This creates an additional hazard, especially for little children. The fact that the land is so waterlogged may have contributed to the house falling down.”
La Fortune councillor Sheldon Lal said he has also passed on the family’s information to Oropouche West MP Vidia Guyadeen-Gopeesingh, who will speak on their behalf to the various ministers. Lal said he will also be meeting with the corporation’s chairman Dr Allen Sammy to see what can be done and if he and his fellow councillors have to work to get the family back on their feet, he will do so.