Ever hit an animal?


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May 21, 2014
So I was headed home this morning after a good night out with my cousins. Went to dinner and a movie. I dropped them home and now getting into groove with the radio when BAM out of nowhere a black dog emerges from a dark shadow in the road and the road is wet. So now I'm home wondering if I burst my condenser and how I'm getting to work Monday as I have no license plate to the front. Yes I hit the dog. Sent it tumbling too. What surprises me most is that it gets up watches me and then goes back into the dark. Anyone else had similar experience with this?
Yup one time some dogs were in the road and started to run down my previous vehicle (b13) a mother dog and her pup the pup was like almost a year old. Then all of a sudden the pup ran in front of the vehicle causing me to hit him and run him over, it damaged my number plate and grille but i believe i killed the poor animal. One of the worst experiences i have driving.
Hmm it time the really start to clean up the road with stray animals...over the pass few days I've only been noticing alot of dead dogs on the bus route and highway more than regular!
And was a full grown rott too. People abandoning these dogs due to the dangerous dog bill and we as drivers have to suffer the consequences when tame dogs roam
As a strict animal activist it a bummer when i see these abandoned/stray dogs and cats dead in the road. Never hit a dog or cat but apparently birds just love my car.. Killed about two birds already
i ran over a little pup an crushed him to death an flattened him about 6 months now and last week in garth road i ran over a big dog buh he was crying hard buh he cralled away from un der and i saw him bawling an running away...he was ok...
Never hit an animal and i am very thankful.. If i ever do i would seriously cry for days
sometimes and most of the time u can't avoid it.....coz ppl does b bumpering u an makes it difficult to stop or slow down....i don't think anyone wants to hit an animal......alot of ppl think about their car and the damages it causes....
Hit a dog on two occasions.
The bend after the U.S Embassy around the Queens park Savannah, about 11pm. Road is clear and I admit, I was having some fun on the road. In the middle of the bend, this dog leaves the pavement and run straight in front the car. I had no time to react and well, if I did, I may have ended up in the savannah. I ran straight over the dog and in the process, I could hear the bones breaking. :confused:Not a nice experience. In the rear view I could see the remains.

Next occasion heading up Henry Street in POS about 9pm. Upon reaching Prince Street, one dog was running down the other just as I was crossing. I slammed the brakes but it was too late. BANG! I hit the dog behind that was chasing. The dog fell, got back up and continued chasing while I got out to see if there was any damage. Suprisingly, there was none.
sometimes and most of the time u can't avoid it.....coz ppl does b bumpering u an makes it difficult to stop or slow down....i don't think anyone wants to hit an animal......alot of ppl think about their car and the damages it causes....

True but if it was in my case, i don't care about how new my car is or the expense .. a death of any life would weigh heavily on me..
True but i am very different to many. I am an animal activist. While many would study insurance and money and worry over these material things...i am concerned with taking a life > dog , cat , manicoo etc. These little beings have feelings and emotions. I would cry the same way if i bounced a human
Thankfully, I've never hit an animal, but some years ago, I witnessed something terrible. Makes you want to do really bad things to people....

Divali night, several years ago, my friends and I were walking down the block, when we saw a dog sleeping on the pavement on the opposite side of us. A man passing next to the dog threw a scratch bomb on the poor animal, frightened by the noise, it jumped up and ran into the road, where a car ran into it. To make matters worse, the car was filled with drunk idiots. We stopped the car and the driver asked if the dog was still under the car and if it was living. We said yes, he then proceeded to reverse slowly over the dog, who was howling in pain, he stopped with his tire on the dog, revved his engine and practically tried to do a burnout on the dog. We started to shout and ran towards the car, but they just sped off. Needless to say, there wasn't much of anything resembling a dog left......lost a lot of faith in humanity that night....
True but i am very different to many. I am an animal activist. While many would study insurance and money and worry over these material things...i am concerned with taking a life > dog , cat , manicoo etc. These little beings have feelings and emotions. I would cry the same way if i bounced a human

Hmm, I understand. You are an animal lover.
Thankfully, I've never hit an animal, but some years ago, I witnessed something terrible. Makes you want to do really bad things to people....

Divali night, several years ago, my friends and I were walking down the block, when we saw a dog sleeping on the pavement on the opposite side of us. A man passing next to the dog threw a scratch bomb on the poor animal, frightened by the noise, it jumped up and ran into the road, where a car ran into it. To make matters worse, the car was filled with drunk idiots. We stopped the car and the driver asked if the dog was still under the car and if it was living. We said yes, he then proceeded to reverse slowly over the dog, who was howling in pain, he stopped with his tire on the dog, revved his engine and practically tried to do a burnout on the dog. We started to shout and ran towards the car, but they just sped off. Needless to say, there wasn't much of anything resembling a dog left......lost a lot of faith in humanity that night....

People like that are the ones who later on in life wonder "why this happen to me boy?"
Do bad things and bad will follow.