Ema Moves On Illegal Quarrying, Squatting


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The EMA plans to take action against alleged illegal quarrying activities in North- East Trinidad.

In a statement yesterday, the EMA stated, ‘The Environmental Management Authority (EMA) recently conducted a surveillance of several areas in the north-eastern part of Trinidad reported as being destroyed by squatting and illegal quarrying activities.

Officers from the EMA’s Environmental Police Unit (EPU) conducted assessments of areas within the Melajo Forest Reserve and along the Toco Old Road.

There was evidence of excavation works conducted and in progress at sites along the Toco Old Road. The EMA is continuing its investigations with respect to those areas which appear to be subjected to illegal squatting.

And in under two weeks, the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) will meet with several State agencies to initiate steps to tackle squatting and illegal quarrying activities.

Chairman of the EMA Nadra Nathai-Gyan said following Saturday’s visit to the Melajo Forest Reserve and along the Toco Old Road- two areas were reported as being destroyed by illegal squatting and quarrying.

Nathai-Gyan could not say when the EMA will move with other State agencies to clamp down illegal quarrying.

“It’s not an easy situation because of the multi-pronged approach that would be required. So what the EMA is attempting to do at this point in time is to bring together the relevant parties to decide how we will approach it.”

The agencies that are required to work together with the EMA, Nathai-Gyan said are the Forestry Division, Land Settlement Agency and Ministry of Energy.

Nathai-Gyan said where the illegal quarrying was concerned, the intent was to act in unison in enforcing the laws.

Following the site visit Nathai-Gyan said the EMA’s legal officers have been in discussions on the issue.

“If it does not happen this week as early as next week that joint approach. There are many things to put in place... there are different acts and pieces of legislation that will be relevant. So it cannot be like one agency acting on its own.”

The EMA is a participating agency member of the Minerals Advisory Committee and intends to coordinate a joint agency investigation to address the issue of quarrying activities along the Toco Old Road.

Further updates will be provided as the investigation proceeds.

The EMA gives the assurance that it will initiate enforcement action pursuant to the Environmental Management Act, Chapter 35:05 and subsidiary legislation to address any illegal activity in the Melajo Forest Reserve.

The public is asked to provide any information that may assist the EMA and the other Agencies with regard to these investigations by sending text messages to its emergency response mobile 680-9588 or via email at complaints@ema.co.tt.