Do You Think Marijuana Should Be Legalized?

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
What are you views on marijuana should it be legalized?
There are a lot of people saying it should be but what are your views on this topic?
Yes it should, many of my class mates and family have been arrested for possession and 'trafficking'. And the end result- their case was thrown out.

What dangerous side effects are there from the use of marijuana? Leaving your remote In the fridge when you're high? My point remains the same. How many people have died from the use of alcohol and cigarettes? How many died from the use of marijuana? There are 4 diseases marijuana cures and many that alcohol and cigarettes cause.
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Alright, the only reason that cigarettes and alcohol are accepted is because of the manufacturing process is a means of employment and taxable income for the government. The only way for the government to make a profit would be to start asking the adb to give loans to farmers for them to grow, and make it a vatable retail item which doesn't profit the government much but provides a cheaper source of medication to the public and pharmaceutical companies would get record losses as their synthesised products won't sell. When money isn't the main factor, populations win, but since lining pockets is the order of the day we lose out to big business.
okay to be quite honest , i do not support the legalization of marijuana because i have friends who have become junkies off of the substance and have been an addict and slave to the "high"

however if it is suitable for medical purposes, i believe persons who need it should be able to obtain this over the counter as a medical treatment, only if they present a medical prescription along with some sort of permit that allows them to carry no more than ____grams of the substance with them.

that is what i believe is right and what could be permitted.
The government don't even care about our health concerns and the use for it in medical practices. The main reason they are thinking about it, is to stop the drug trade, gangs and cartels in this country. If it is legalized then there is no use to hide and smoke it , no use to import it or export therefore breaking the ring! But i think if they legalize it, how our trini mentality is, people might start to commoditize another illegal substances because weed might be too "mainstream" and common.

There are also legal registered businesses that are known to the government according to A. Ramlogan that grows and sells weed etc. and their company might be affected by this, so to make money they might switch to other illegal substances thus creating a bigger problem.

A next thing is , what about stoned employees, and stoned drivers on the road and people doing crazy things in public.. Trini might be a chaotic place if this ever happened..Can you imagine how many accidents would take place and unemployment rate might rise due to people being layed off because they are too stoned to do their jobs..
NO for me....our PM studied in Jamacia so she mite want to side with leagalizing marijuana...i dont want any part or that kinda treatment........
States that legalized weed in US have reported an increase in state revenue from the selling and commoditization of weed. Apparently they are making huge sales and revenue . Wonder if we legalize it in Trinidad, if there will be this kind of response
No I don't think so, you'll just find alot of people smoking it, claiming to have some condition. lol
I totally agree with previous posters on taxation being a factor. I also think drinking and smoking prove far greater threats than weed. Legal or not, smokers not only destroy their health but the health of those around them as well and there's an excess of drinkers that don't know their limits and harm others due to their poor judgement; be that with a bottle, vehicle, or fist. Smokers and drinkers cause so much damage and yet they are free to get their fix in any grocery or parlor, openly on the streets, around schools, residential areas (children) etc. I'm not denying the negative effects of weed, but that seems like a minor con compared to the abundance of other drugs widely available with arguably similar or even worse repercussions.