Do you sometimes get the urge to engage in "road rage"?

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
As the title says, do you ever feel the rush of emotions when someone has bad driven you or cursed at you and you feel like you want to lash out at them or do something?

What has been some of your worst thoughts/actions toward these people who make you feel like this on the road?
LOL. This happen to me almost everyday I drive on the roads. A lot of inconsiderate drivers out there. I sometimes feel to pull up along side them and hurl some obsceneties. I may have done so before but as I have gotten older, I realise it's best to just let it past, no matter how tempting and inviting it might be and feel.
One time i was with my mom in our van. I was exiting from Mid Center Mall Car Park and now reached to a stop right by the mall crossing itself by HILO before you exit onto the main road. I drove up and stopped before the white line to now look and see if the coast was clear to proceed forward.

Lo and behold this old indian woman in a gold almera just stopped suddenly and mouthed to me "Are You Stchupid" . So here i am wondering 'what have i done' . I am in no way in the road and a good way before the white line. This lady clearly is mad !
I was so angry i wanted to drive up and tail her in the front mall car park and ask her what did i do ? Steups.
I kept it kool and just waited on her to finish her little ole lady rant and drove off after her. I wanted to shoot her down with a water gun ! I need one in my car full of pepper sauce to dose them dotish drivers who like to be wrong and strong
When you have a dash cam, it is SO tempting to bait an accident after getting a bad drive and them mash them up to police/insurance with the video evidence. That is all... for now...
LOL. This happen to me almost everyday I drive on the roads. A lot of inconsiderate drivers out there. I sometimes feel to pull up along side them and hurl some obsceneties. I may have done so before but as I have gotten older, I realise it's best to just let it past, no matter how tempting and inviting it might be and feel.

Yeah bro I'm the same way lol, used to bother with them but as time passed it just made more sense to leave them, let other ppl deal with them.

One time i was with my mom in our van. I was exiting from Mid Center Mall Car Park and now reached to a stop right by the mall crossing itself by HILO before you exit onto the main road. I drove up and stopped before the white line to now look and see if the coast was clear to proceed forward.

Lo and behold this old indian woman in a gold almera just stopped suddenly and mouthed to me "Are You Stchupid" . So here i am wondering 'what have i done' . I am in no way in the road and a good way before the white line. This lady clearly is mad !
I was so angry i wanted to drive up and tail her in the front mall car park and ask her what did i do ? Steups.
I kept it kool and just waited on her to finish her little ole lady rant and drove off after her. I wanted to shoot her down with a water gun ! I need one in my car full of pepper sauce to dose them dotish drivers who like to be wrong and strong

LOLLLLLL I love this idea!!! A Pepper Sauce Gun! That will be rellllllll madness if you actually do that, oh the ideas :)

When you have a dash cam, it is SO tempting to bait an accident after getting a bad drive and them mash them up to police/insurance with the video evidence. That is all... for now...

Yessssssss, I agree with this, sometimes I even point to the dash cam and since I've had the cam, I've been less tempted to act as the recording gives me personal satisfaction seeing as I can share the clip with my commentary if desired.
On evenings going through those narrow back roads in residential areas, yes. People are parked at the side of the road making it impossible for 2 cars to pass at the same time. Nobody gives anyone a chance. If you let one person through everyone else coming from that side rushes through.

When you're face to face with another driver it's either they or you reverse. Sometimes it's a stand-off. This makes me feel like getting a firearm in times like this. All I'd need to do is step out of the vehicle, shoot a couple of times in the air and watch the road clear. It would be that easy. That means one day I'll meet my match and have a show down like in the "Wild, wild West".
On evenings going through those narrow back roads in residential areas, yes. People are parked at the side of the road making it impossible for 2 cars to pass at the same time. Nobody gives anyone a chance. If you let one person through everyone else coming from that side rushes through.

When you're face to face with another driver it's either they or you reverse. Sometimes it's a stand-off. This makes me feel like getting a firearm in times like this. All I'd need to do is step out of the vehicle, shoot a couple of times in the air and watch the road clear. It would be that easy. That means one day I'll meet my match and have a show down like in the "Wild, wild West".
You have a very active imagination I must say lol.
Its true though, there's no equality or consideration it's all about me and once I get to go even if it means you never get to cause I don't care aboit you. That's the mentality and often you have to slowly push your way through to get a chance or sometimes there are good people who believe in fairness.
Hahaha i can imagine someone giving me a 'stand off' and i just pull out my gun and fire in the air and just sit back and watch the sight of the car reversing to where it came from LOLOLOL
Hahaha i can imagine someone giving me a 'stand off' and i just pull out my gun and fire in the air and just sit back and watch the sight of the car reversing to where it came from LOLOLOL

It feels better when you're aware that they know your front wheels can ride up their bonnet and over their windshield, they make no mistake :D
Trini people ain't fraid that too nuh. they lifting up their heads and cussing yuh stink and driving offm Women too is d worst when it comes to stand off mainly because they CANNOT REVERSE LMAO
Trini people ain't fraid that too nuh. they lifting up their heads and cussing yuh stink and driving offm Women too is d worst when it comes to stand off mainly because they CANNOT REVERSE LMAO

LOL hahahhaa

Honestly I have managed to scare a few ppl already but the majority of ppl just plain dotish and unaware of what they doing.
Road rage- When a taxi driver stops in the middle of the road to pick up a passenger and not even an indicator was flashed or a hand out the window.
Road rage- When a taxi driver stops in the middle of the road to pick up a passenger and not even an indicator was flashed or a hand out the window.

Even if you blow a horn or something I sure he done vex. That is road rage in all its defining glory.
Best one - When you driving in a bad road and people coming on your lane to avoid hitting any on theirs.

My road is like this and almost everytime i am driving i swear i have to blare my horn for people to go on their lanes. And the horns don't seem to phase them at all . I does have to stop and let them pass before i can proceed. Urghh
Best one - When you driving in a bad road and people coming on your lane to avoid hitting any on theirs.

My road is like this and almost everytime i am driving i swear i have to blare my horn for people to go on their lanes. And the horns don't seem to phase them at all . I does have to stop and let them pass before i can proceed. Urghh

If you ever drive a car which has a large high beam reflector, pull and hold the lighting stalk and let the beam remain on, that usually catches their attention more than the horn. I know what you mean too well. The horn doesn't really do anything, they don't seem to be capable of understanding why you blew the horn.
Men with hid in their fogs.......and ones who have it without the projector housing.....have driven on roads with no street lights and had have to stop because these i cannot see anything on the road and the road narrow.......
Men with hid in their fogs.......and ones who have it without the projector housing.....have driven on roads with no street lights and had have to stop because these i cannot see anything on the road and the road narrow.......

I hit them a proper H4 high beam and being in a 4wd it hits them direct in their face.

I also can't take on that HID craze some of these people on. Yes do your HID but do it properly because its a very big hazard to other users. For the very least they should use a casper shield on their bulbs in reflector housings to prevent the light from reflecting off the base of the reflector, which is what blinds us.
I hate that too ! More than once i had to slow down to let them pass. It literally hurts my eye balls especially when you wear corrective lenses like me. I wish the police can crack down on this . There was an accident this year where someone ran off the road because of blinding lights. Just imagine certain police officers have these in their cars so what example are they setting
Nice to know about the reviews of the different people.Its quite funny and i like these type of topic so much.Other than this i have also an urge sometimes on the road.