Do you believe in God?

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Well this is my first thread in this section... so please feel free to comment if you have something to say!

This debate is about whether you believe in God or not... and what you think about Him... and if you don't believe... explain your opinion... feel free to write your thoughts... but please write respectfully.

First of all... please debate, do not insult other people or beliefs and do not use offensive language and respect the rest of the rules...

But anyways... please take your time to comment because I think It is a topic that we don't talk about in the computerized world. and It will be interesting to hear your opinions... I personally believe in Him... and if anyone have any questions...I will explain why.
Dont get me started admin!! lol. I know God exist. Thats why I wont be arguing this to death I see Him as self evident as everything else. Obviousness cant be argued and anything can be "logically" proven. Sorry carry on.. :)
I do believe in God. I believe there has to be some reason that man as a species was created. I don't believe that we are the result of a series of coincidental events that took place over time.
I really love this topic.

Yes God is real there has to be some kind of alpha or Lord. Who else would would create us, who else would have made this whole universe or created mankind. Who else would bring us into this world and who else would make miracles come true and bring about Godness.
i believe n 1 of those ppl who believe dat God made da human race & every individual da way He wanted it...i dont believe wat otha ppl say bout Him only creatin da 'normal' ppl...He luvz all of His children...He doesnt turn His bac on ne1 of His children...
well being a man of was hard to believe.....I need alot of physical evidence to believe in things......but i do in much beautiful things out there I've seen.......
as someone said religion is a fairy tale for adults!!! Please. . . give me the power to be God for 5 mins an it will hav no disease. . . no poverty. . . no birth defects. . . no crime. . . no hunger. . . no suffering. . . no coke. . . no ignorance. . . no war. . . no murder. . . no rape . . . no racism or discrimination . . . no exploitation. . . you wouldn't need an imaginary heaven in the sky, there'd be a real one here on earth! 4 ur god to allow these things to exist is a clear indication that he is either evil, insane or imaginary, God does not exist!!!
madsuya said:
as someone said religion is a fairy tale for adults!!! Please. . . give me the power to be God for 5 mins an it will hav no disease. . . no poverty. . . no birth defects. . . no crime. . . no hunger. . . no suffering. . . no coke. . . no ignorance. . . no war. . . no murder. . . no rape . . . no racism or discrimination . . . no exploitation. . . you wouldn't need an imaginary heaven in the sky, there'd be a real one here on earth! 4 ur god to allow these things to exist is a clear indication that he is either evil, insane or imaginary, God does not exist!!!
You could argue the same about humanity, We're the ones who have the most to lose by allowing these things to happen and yet we have no wish to change it, do we really want these things to stop? You cant find God by looking at men, i dont understand how we came up with that idea.. because all if not most of the above problems are caused by human action.. :rolleyes:
love for our fellow man don't exist!!! we to greddy coz every 3miles dere's ah different church or an a temple so where's god, does he or she or it has time, to be wit everybody all d time, 24-7-365
thats the thing. i believe in god and i believe in the power of choice. i believe most of the things out there eg coke, alcohol, cigarettes, etc we have a choice to use it or leave it alone. i also believe that god wants us to be well and happy and wont force his way on u. u have to make up ur mind what u want to do. and knowing that we have choices, we also have responsibility and consequences. if we want to smoke and drink and abuse drugs, what do u expect? not diseases, acquired and congenial, and broken family life and poverty due to using all d money u worked for on this preferred drug and not on ur family. most of the mess we are in is because of our choices.

yes god can be like hey, i dont want u doing that an send u straight in the dumps and remember where u came from and u catch urself in ur state, but i think he is like, hey, this person doesnt want to listen, if dey cant hear dey go feel way. just like wen u see somebody doin something wrong and u know how it will turn out and u nudge the person, dont do that and they ignore u an turn dey back, wat u go say --if dey can t hear, they will feel.

well thats my takes. sorry if i rambled on..
Yes I believe.
There are certain things that make people believe like why we are born and how someone think about the world to make it , look how fascinating miracles happen, how babies are born etc
See all them earthquakes happening in the world today it shows that revelations are being fulfilled
yes i believe GOD IS REAL! not just that but he's coming back again. Madusa i saw u mentioned that he's either "evil or dont exist" because of the bad situations what goes on these days. But the thing with God is that when he made mane he made every one with a free will, he gave us all the power of choice. it's up to mankind to either serve him or not and well sadly many of them chose the devil and well coming down to the end times it was prophcised that perilious times will come. but the bible says if my ppl will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, i will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. you se once ppl in this country change their wicked ways these wont happen any more but na ppl wanna be gangsta, the want rank, no1 cant tell dem nothing. even dem music artists does be brobing and encouragin dem ting (kartel, movado, popcorn, black ryno) lord help us these ppl really need it
Thats a great way to put it Silver psycho, even me i'm straying away from god and his laws, i need to get my life back on track. But i does keep on talking but i don't take action hmmmm
Hmm..I'm kind of hesitant to express my views here because I don't want to be vilified.

Okay, firstly to answer the question: Do I believe in God? Yes.

But why? Because we're all raised in religious traditions to believe there is a higher being, just like we are raised speaking our mother tongue and breathing and eating. It is part of who we are. But does that necessarily make it true?

I'm not discounting anyone's opinions, at the end of the day we all have to live with the choices we make for ourselves. My personal reasons are that there isn't strong enough evidence to suggest there is a God. Based on my study especially in my religion, Hinduism, the reason why there are so many different traditions (and different ways of doing certain things) is because these various "holy books" were written by whatever class was ruling the masses at the time. This is why one pundit will tell you to do one thing, and then another pundit will tell you what you did was wrong. There is no one book of knowledge like the Qu'ran or the Bible in Hinduism, because it is historically proven that these Indian books were written by men to solidify their views about what they thought was good in life and to maintain their control at the top of the hierarchy and suppress the majority by class and colour (basically the same way the Europeans "interpreted" the Bible to oppress the enslaved, our ancestors.)

Religion was politics back in the day, and in our modern age, they go hand in hand. Every institution has a spiritual adviser. In the end, religion is the strongest asset of any leader. It is a tool, a way to maintain order and strike both hope and fear into people.

Do I believe God creates earthquakes, tsunamis? No. I believe in science and geography, in plate techtonics and medical achievements. Do I still believe in God? Yes. Because it is so ingrained in me, I just can't let it go.