Do you believe in first sparks?

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
So you know d ole saying that after a long while u happen to see ur ex bf or gf and u get the sparks back and u start to feel love all over again?

Is this true for you?
Well not for me when its over its over because all and i mean all of my pass relationships was bad and thank god i'm still not with any of them.
I dont have any ex's but if i met an old crush i probably would feel the same way i always have for them. Would i act the same way? No.. I would be more reserved, i think. I would have moved on i guess.
Assuming i know the person i would still feel the same way, if what i liked was an illusion i'd know better by now.
if i met any of my ex i would feel something inside but i would remember why they became my ex in the first place and just walk away, baby
I think a guys will have less emotions in these situations, most males will think that an ex is nothing more than i hit that or thats old stuff and easy stuff.
I never had an ex but if i had i would not feel anything too.... To some people it may be the reverse because of he memories of that individual....
I always thing of my ex as building blocks in relationships meaning that what did not work out with them i could always improve with the next relationship. It gives me better judgment and ideas what to do what an obstacle comes about
I get pretty attached- so if I manage to be In a relationship that happens to die, I'd probably die too. Figuratively of course. If I ever meet the person again I'd probably feel hurt and alienated. I have no idea how too feel in situations like that.
rau cous you just assuming these feelings.....Never know you mit be the one dumping that person so the feelings mit be reverse...

As Admin say use it as a buliding blocks towards a new relationship...
The only sparks you hadda be feeling is the sparks i scratch to light up yuh (*&^%$##$%^&^%$#@) :icon_mrgreen: