Divali = fireworks


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Grinchypuff Clause
Sep 15, 2014
CAN someone please enlighten me cause clearly i didnt get the memo i dunno if it is because i am not Hindu, or is because i just cheap BUT SINCE WHEN DIVALI = FIREWORKS IN THIS COUNTRY. every god damn way you turn is fireworks they selling and correct me if i am wrong but since when fireworks became legal in this lawless country of ours.
as a child in primary school I AM ROMAN CATHOLIC BY THE WAY my mommy used to carry me by the neighbours and i used to help them lay out the deyas and mommy would by starlight, and i used to run through the rows with it and i happy like papi i looked forward to it every year ((until of course i get old and discovered boys hahahhahhaha)) anyway like i was saying WHAT HAPPEN TO THOSE LITTLE THINGS what happen to keep the tradition alive and sorry to say but divali is being commercialize just as they are taking the christ out of christmas
My fun for the night....tmr I practically gonna blow up $1500


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My fun for the night....tmr I practically gonna blow up $1500

Dude wtf, you better send some of that by me lol. last year spent over 1000 dollars in Fireworks and it was the biggest waste of time fireworks ever, it was cold (got to be old stuff that was sold to me) and it did not go so well. So this year i'm saying no to spending alot of money on fireworks.

Hindus believe in good over even and light over darkness, and maybe the way fireworks represent celebrations and light you the sky it become part of the practice during Divali time.
I love to help lay out the deyas and light them. also fireworks but the little children kind..Smoke bombs, little fountain ones, fun snap, colourful starlights lol
I personally don't spend much on fireworks, people come for the laying of deyas and eating food, the little fun snaps and sparkles suffice, the spectacular fireworks display isn't really needed where I live, it's just something that is fun to see
ammm hello TO ALL WHO SPENDING THOUSAND ON FIREWORKS i think you all could spend some on kurma and hook puffie uppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CAN someone please enlighten me cause clearly i didnt get the memo i dunno if it is because i am not Hindu, or is because i just cheap BUT SINCE WHEN DIVALI = FIREWORKS IN THIS COUNTRY. every god damn way you turn is fireworks they selling and correct me if i am wrong but since when fireworks became legal in this lawless country of ours.

Agreed! From the little hooligan school children with their scratch bombs, to the workers next door, this is getting out of hand! I personally don't see the appeal of fireworks, scratch bombs, etc. Just money going up in smoke imo. I live next to PTown West Secondary. Some years back, the school actually suspended every single boy in the school because of the excessive scratch bomb usage. They were throwing them at teachers, in the staff room, in the principal's office, at other students. It was ridiculous!
i said dat many times about the fireworks tents around the country.......we loose focus an spend money on tings that are important.....we are becoming a copycat nation.....lets stay focus on items we need plz.....
Divali, Eid, Xmas...everything getting commercialized and Americanized in this country. We trying to be like a nation we can never reach developmentally and i hate this. Lets stick to our religions and traditions! Some parents now are growing up their children to be too modern and cannot live without an electronic device. They are instilling the Westernized ways from young and leaving out the fundamentals. When children grow up like this , they don't even have a belief system or know any traditions to pass onto generations.
yep LadyDeath is right! they are really modernizing all these events! Fireworks , however small an impact it may have on society, it has an impact nevertheless! it really is unnecessary! i prefer the bussin bamboo and bamboo bending competitions!

stick to tradition!
This year we have only seen 2 places with bamboo infront their houses from Montrose to Tabaquite ..Our culture is dwindling
Yea ofc, our culture has been dwindling since 2009, or even sooner, because I really can't remember the last time I buss bamboo with my family
The fire works at Divali time, I call it culture. It has become part of our culture and it is too late now for is as a nation, to move away from such traditions and back to the fundamental religious practices. As much as Fireworks is a waste of time and 'money going up on smoke on less than 10 seconds', like other things, it is a form of entertainment and pleasure. I don't see the big deal.
We don't complain when Fire One does the annual Independence Day gift/show to the nation.
having a fireworks for Independence is under supervision with the fire department an other bodies.....all this copy cat fire works at our homes for Divali now is just madness....."me see others do and me do"......but when it comes to buying food and other stuff we doh have money......but ppl have to show d neighbour how much fireworks dey can buy.....its just a show off scene as i see it for Divali.....
Personally i love fireworks for divali not scratch bombs.. Brings togetherness and entertainment