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Jun 30, 2008
any1 experiencein dengue o hav a relative o sum1 experiencein dengue? i need some info 4 caribbean studies :icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_eek: tha subject so gay eh
A Friend's mom died of Dengue Fever 2 weeks ago. It's so sad that in a country with so much money people die of something like this.
I think the outbreak of dengue has passed.... But it was definately an outbreak according to a nurse at the san feranado hospital.... its the epedemic that we have to worry about....
Yes it was definitely an outbreak cuz so many people had it and died from it ...That was so sad i think 3 people died from it in Longdenville ...
I think i heard one of the caribbean island has an outbreak right now... Jus can't remember which one... So its still out there
Re: Dengue In Trinidad & Tobago

A Child eight-year-old, Asia Archibald on Thursday died from Dengue.. The Standard Three pupil of the Arima Girls’ RC School was taken to Mt Hope on Wednesday at about 4 pm, after doctors at the Arima Health Facility transferred her and ordered that tests be carried out to determine if she was suffering from dengue fever.

Although it usually takes 24 hours before results are received, Archibald’s mother, Anesha Archibald, said her daughter was released at about 3 am on Thursday by officials, who assured her that Asia was well enough to go home.

An autopsy performed on Thursday confirmed the child died as a result of having contracted dengue fever, which led to her developing respiratory problems and being unable to breathe.

The mother was further traumatised after her second daughter, three-year-old, Amia, was diagnosed with dengue fever on Friday. Some are blaming the unresponsive health sector for this and want a full probe into the matter
People start buying alyuh bead nets, i have to get a few this degue thing getting out of hand. Anyone knows when i can buy some bed nets?
i want one real bad mosquitoes breeding in a still river up by me ...
What you want one huh? Anyways if anyone experiencing any flu like symptoms high fever, cold sweating please go to any local health center and get up on you health and please people DON"Y TAKE ANY ASPRIN
1800 reported cases with 1 death.......ppl need to b more environmental also kno dat d AD EGYPT mosquitoes is dangerous around 5 am to 8 am an 5 pm to 8 pm so look up an educate ur self's....yeah now dey say take paracetamol!!!