Demons living amoung Us

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
It have people in this society that are just plain evil, and the youth are just watching,following and growing up to become criminals. All this Gangster music with degrading of women, cussing and encouraging criminal activities should be banned.
Just look at the murder rate in Jamaica and you can see we are becoming just the same, parents are allowing and encourage their children to grow up to be pest in this society. Now please take a look at this.

Please share this so we can alert the public of the scums in our nation that need to be rid of . Here is his Fb profile Ak ??l . This is an innocent life that was taken in the worst way possible. This little man needs to be punished and dealt with .

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No way man! No way this is real! I can't look at those pictures without feeling to make that boy drink rusty coolant and then stuff his face with a hot manifold while being tied to a chair.

Its these youths that are the dregs of our society. I am making specific reference to the type of youth he is. Delinquent, criminal, no care, no fear, no respect for authority nothing. It has become so common and nothing much has been done about it. It's really unfortunate that these types of things can go on and we cannot make a legal report about it.
At the end of the day, we can make a report but nothing can be done about it . Yes it will go viral and yes maybe media will see it , but there isn't any laws in Trinidad that will rightfully prosecute him. Its a petty fine for animal cruelty in this country. The laws were never changed since the 1900s or even updated .

How messed up is it that we citizens have to be sharing a damn post just for the government / media to take us on ? That's why i sometimes hate my country yes ! For them to update or create new laws of our country to fix our justice department , NO! Instead political parties occupied with bickering and plotting against each other instead of working hand in hand like they supposed to.

They want to copy laws from Canada and apply it to our country so why haven't they done something about Animal Cruelty??
We will quicker be hassled for our legal and factory installed foglights as opposed to seeing the day criminal youths get thrown behind bars.
Seen worse, far, far worse. Karma will get him. If he doing things like this now, who knows what he will do in the future. I recommend a daily dosage of 2 planass/bull pissle to make him straight. A psychological approach could work too, something like teaching the value of life..
I cannot believe people liked that photo! His behavior is being encouraged that way and was no doubt taught or shown to him as something that is acceptable by other sick people as well. Why is it okay for sick people like this to flaunt their crimes and nothing is done about it? We can report his profile, but if he is forced to close the profile, he may just start another and continue doing this. With regards to laws, children and adult victims of crimes have to fight and struggle to get justice. The country is run by people and we cannot help the people; how can laws for animals be taken seriously by a country with such structure?
UPDATE: This photo got the attention of Phillip Alexander From Beyond the Tape & CID Officers . They are currently looking for him as we speak
I hope as bold as people were to like those pictures and tolerate watching these things passively on their newsfeed, others have the same boldness to reveal his location and other identifying information so he can be prevented from harming other animals. I hope some form of justice takes place here!
UPDATE: This photo got the attention of Phillip Alexander , Beyond the Tape & CID Officers . They are currently looking for him as we speak

Happy to hear that. This cannot continue.
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It was on news today ! They are still currently looking for him . I am so happy ! Anyone seen it on TV6 Website Or the news last night ? It aired live
It was on news today ! They are still currently looking for him . I am so happy ! Anyone seen it on TV6 Website Or the news last night ? It aired live

Did not look at the news since but very happy to hear that they are looking for him. By now he is probably hidden somewhere.
So glad to hear that this is being addressed! I really hope someone comes forward to help find him. Trinidad is a small country with a lot of neighbors here and there that like to mind other people's business lol Somebody must see/know him!
I hope that they find him. He has taken down his facebook page and telling people he found the dog so.
My question is that if he found the dog so, is he so messed up to take a picture of it too ?
Its obvious from his expression that he didn't find the dog. nobody in their right mind would take pics with a dead dog they found . He needs a better excuse.
I highly doubt he found the dog like that but he still needs to be held accountable for his actions. The sickening thing is someone took a picture of him striking those poses with the poor animals and still others liked the picture and possibly others as well. At least people are being made aware of this and hopefully he will be caught soon.