Delayed Write Failed error

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Active Member
Jun 9, 2008
I dont know why but i always seem to have HD issuses but i never knew one error can be because of so many different things. ... id=3054721
Although Delayed write failed is not a common phenomenon, it has brought some users a lot of trouble. The reasons are manifold. By summarizing, I believe the followings are relevant.

1. The problem of disk drive
Such a case particularly happens on SCSI drive and RAID drive. Some RAID drive would give users false information that windows delayed write failed after WIN XP of SP2 is installed. In this case, you bad better install the latest version for your drive.

2. The cause of data line
Some false or damage of data line can result in delayed write failed, especially when we use external USB line and firewire. The same problem exists if your data line is too long or it is connected to an unqualified USB hub. Besides, maybe you are using a data line only with 40 pins, but actually you need 80 pins.

3. A broken disk drive can also give rise to delayed write failed. So, once you encounter this problem, I suggest that you check your disk first.

4. The reason of the controller of driver
The collisions between USB controller and other hardware devices sometimes lead to delayed write failed. If there are two different PCI slots in your system, try to pull the controller out of the long one, because this kind of slot is not supported by some old PCI.

5. The parity error of system memory can cause similar problem. (System memory could potentially bring about other errors, such as lockups.)

6. Key error of LargeSystemCache in registry. This case is very rare. It mainly happens on the machines that are installed ATI display adapter and the memory is larger than 512MB. There is a key called LargeSystemCache in the registry of these computers. This key is used to manage the memory capacity of some kernel process which is distributed by the system. If the key value is 1(it can improve the performance of the machine with memory larger than 512MB), it may result in data error and delayed write failed. In this situation, you can change the key value to 0.

I took off caching on my HD that seems to work, but i did the S.M.A.R.T. analysis and it said it could be a physical problem with the disk... we ill have to use some other programs to verify that.
i havent tried every thing on the list, i may just need to roll back the drivers to older ones, i updated them before it started to give the error.
This started happening again and my brother called his friend and he did a full xp install :nono: no more project files! :rolleyes:
i'm sure it's a hard disk issue and it will happen again! but hopefully i'll learn my lesson about backing up lol
You could have called me.