Cyber Bullying In Trinidad

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
This is a topic that most of us have witnessed or experienced in their lives before. For those who don't know, cyber bullies are bullies that harass and threaten individuals over the internet in the form of :
- posting fake videos/photos
- xrated and harmful comments
- using fake profiles to harm the person
- messaging them or any form or fashion.

In trinidad and tobago we have seen the rise of cyber bullies harassing especially our youths. Many are called lesbians and gays also prostitutes etc and have photos and videos of them posted on sites such as facebook, youtube , trinishack and triniphotos .
Many think this is "cool , awesome" but they are just really hurting people . POSTING PHOTOS/VIDEOS WITHOUT PEOPLE'S PERMISSION Can harm people and they can even go into depression and commit suicide. Once something goes on the internet it stays there because of google or any other site's indexing .

A Popular Website Trinishack has been doing nothing to stop this at all ! For those who don't know this website is popular for people posting photos of people or themselves and having people posting all sorts of nasty comments after it. It has been reported that attempts by VICTIMS of bullying many times to contact the administrator have gone unheard and also they say they cannot do anything about it ! Imagine an EDUCATED ADMINISTRATOR of this popular site just loves the commotion and indulges in people crying out for help because their photo has been taking in/voluntarily and posted for the world to see!

In Trinidad and Tobago we need to protect our youths because the internet is the new world now and they would be on it . We need a bill to prosecute threats over the internet and cyber bullying minors because this hurts our children as much as in real . Once simple PHOTO/VIDEO/COMMENT can TARNISH Our Children's or relative or friend's reputation.

This is too immature and we need to put a stop to it . Many would say its the freedom of speech to say what you want to people but infact thats bullshit. Please be careful out there and remember the effects of cyber bullying can cause depression, suicide and also end in the victims retaliating against the bullies using harmful ways e.g guns , stabbing


A young boy committed suicide after people harassed and posted untrue nasty comments about him being gay .
A young boy also went into his high school with a gun and killed many students after too much tortured years of being bullied and also cyber bullied.
There are much more but please research them yourself.
This is something that much be highlight, alot of the pictures and videos are posted up without the person's permission. Which should be arrestable offense but again Trinidad and Tobago is so back ward and the people in authority will do nothing but turn a blind eye to this crime.
Do we have laws in Trinidad and Tobago with regards to such a crime?
A Trinidadian woman has been the latest victim of this. Ian Roy has pleaded guilty to telephoning a woman and threatening to rape, mutilate and kill her. He sentenced to four months in prison. The Sangre Grande man sent “call me requests” to the her and left a voice message saying he would rape her, slit her throat, cut off her breasts and leave them at a police station and hang up her underwear on an electrical wire. His reason his because he had recently broken up with his girlfriend and just DIALED A NUMBER? WTF!

This man seriously needs to ward himself in St Anns. Is people like these i does be afraid of in this Country!
LadyDeathDemon said:
A Trinidadian woman has been the latest victim of this. Ian Roy has pleaded guilty to telephoning a woman and threatening to rape, mutilate and kill her. He sentenced to four months in prison. The Sangre Grande man sent “call me requests” to the her and left a voice message saying he would rape her, slit her throat, cut off her breasts and leave them at a police station and hang up her underwear on an electrical wire. His reason his because he had recently broken up with his girlfriend and just DIALED A NUMBER? WTF!

This man seriously needs to ward himself in St Anns. Is people like these i does be afraid of in this Country!

Oh my god this is really disgusting. He should have gotten a long jail time. 4 mths and he will be back out and may be revengeful. i agree ladydeath, he should be admitted to a mental institution. there are a lot of crazy people out there!
Sometimes a hurtful experience or tragedy does turn normal people like us into psychos.It's like something in the brain does malfunction. Alot of people need to control their anger these days
Cyber bullying is a serious problem in many countries, not just in Trinidad.

Unfortunately you cannot stop cyber bullying, but you can reduce it.