Cursing to Have A Good Time?

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
I recently visited Maracas Beach and I could not help but overhear some people talking. It seemed that they were talking about how much of a great time they had at the beach as they were about to leave but I noticed how much they had to curse to actually say that. Do people actually need to curse to enjoy themselves nowadays?

I want to hear your perspective on this. It is quite an interesting thing to notice.
no they dont but its some of the norms when ppl liming around a certain group of people i would think
I'm kind of guilty of this. I've used obscenities as part of my verbal repertoire for most of my life. It's not a matter of cursing to have a good time, it just feels comfortable and sometimes I run out of adjectives and need something more comfortable to emphasize what I'm talking about lol. I am conscious of it though and avoid using obscenities around others I'm not comfortable with enough or around those I know who don't use such language (and generally around strangers as well). But I can really let loose around the right people lol!

I think obscenities can be used as descriptive language, and to substitute practically any type of word (noun, verb, adjective, etc.). It's quite amazing how versatile it can be. However, obscenities can also be used to abuse others by hurting, belittling, threatening, objectifying, insulting, etc. and I do not use language in this way nor do I condone it.
yea i really think its like what shadow say for some as they are around people whom they are rell comfortable with and they just happens to come out, but if other people are around it wont be said at all
I totally understand ! I have no problem with others cursing around people they are comfortable with. HOWEVER, it gets me pissed when some have no respect whatsoever and don't realize that they are in a public setting with women, elders and little children around hearing their profanities. Some of them grew up with talking like that for so long they are oblivious when in a professional setting, such as a workplace.

I never grew up with cursing to have a good time as i grew up in a very strict household. I say words softly like shit , dam, fricking but thats only around cousins or my significant other and Never around family or little children. If i have to say the real expletives someone would have done something to get me really vex.

Lol but i get yall!
It's great for the comedic side of it. I was just telling a story with a mild amount of obscene language and everyone was laughing [ie. the 2 other people in the room] it made me laugh as well.
You guys talking bout the children LOL I was taught how to curse by a three year old!
You guys talking bout the children LOL I was taught how to curse by a three year old!

Hmmm that is ineffective parenting LOLOL

Sometimes these children worse than the adults themselves and then the adults wonder why.
You guys talking bout the children LOL I was taught how to curse by a three year old!
hmmmm i know back in the days couldnt do them stuff around adults as the spanking you would of obtained would of made you never do it again
The child was from an abusive home FWIW. These days it's like everybody and their dog can curse, it's just shocking to many people to hear it and wise to use the language at your discretion.
You will be surprised what kids know these days .
Take a look

Realistically the kids in the video learning those things from the people around them... Its no wonder, the 14+ rating now includes F words, something I knew was an M rating so its only a matter of time before any type of content with major cursing will gain the E for Everyone rating.
Cursing is getting like the norm now. It's an expression used to exaggerate something or make it seem more serious.

Almost every movie that comes out now have some form of curse words. My family and i can never sit down and watch a movie properly because of that. First person to get up because of the cursing is me then my mom lol
Cursing is getting like the norm now. It's an expression used to exaggerate something or make it seem more serious.

Almost every movie that comes out now have some form of curse words. My family and i can never sit down and watch a movie properly because of that. First person to get up because of the cursing is me then my mom lol

Really don't give you wrong at all. I don't watch TV/Movies anymore, rarely ever would I. I just find its too much nonsense and fakeness.

I don't mind the cursing eh but it has to be in context, can't be just so just so. I notice every road rage video also has major cursing in it, the people even cursing authorities when they call for an officer of the law.
Even Jurassic park had 1 or 2 bad words and little children were in the cinema from 1 yrs go up. The media is portraying that this is a normal thing. Have you ever seen cartoon network after 9pm?

Cursing is normal around adults as they use it freely. But how i grew up, i still cringe when i hear it ..Sometimes my fingers automatically come up to block my ears and i remember that i am an adult now. lmao
Society portrays it as well. Parents and guardians are the ones making the decisions to bring their kids to see these movies despite seeing the trailers and hearing reviews on it, and even if you don't see it you're bound to hear people trying to quote lines and act out scenes while describing it to others. You can't really hide from bad language today.
Yes but sometimes the movie reviews won't state such. I agree that its their decision to bring their kids but media need to realize to don't advertise a move as for all ages when it contains some language not suitable for kids
lol but the standards but i think they get more strict on the ratings its the parents job to check that pg rating could have a few mild words in it lol