Crying Babies Banned From Cinemas ?

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Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Ever sit down in the cinema to watch a movie and see a couple or mother walk in with a newborn in tow wrapped in a blanket?
And have you ever thought to yourself why are they bringing a baby who cannot understand,watch , move or be awake for a movie? And have they abruptly started giving trouble and crying, interrupting the entire cinema??

My question is why bring a baby to a cinema in the first place when you know that they will interrupt an entire paying audience? There are families and babysitters out there. Babies are unpredictable and crying. Yes there is no law stating that they should be banned , but realisticly speaking, why allow it?

Too many times i went to watch a movie in Movietowne and these babies cry down the cinema. Talking about action movies, Rated Comedy 18+ years and over movies etc. The parents won't even get up and leave but insist on people hearing them shutting the baby up , making more noise. The ushers are not even called to assist with the situation.

Do you think Cinemas should be more strict on these matters? What measures can they put in place to ensure that this doesn't happen?
In Brazil there is a Mom Cinema Club where mothers/ families with babies are allowed to bring their babies along to the movies . A day of the week or a screen room is dedicated to them. Here crying / noises and outbursts from children are welcomed and all audiences understand the situation. This was created due to a call for the banning of newborns at the cinema for interrupting paying audiences.

Do you think we need one here in Trinidad?

That's actually a great idea. I normally only go to late movies to avoid teenie boppers and crying babies. I swear they take up all the best spots. Could they do this for restaurants and bars as well? It would be nice to not have to go to a "ole hole in the wall" bar anytime I want to drink a beer. Granted, I'll still go to my usual holes but it will be nice to have the option of going somewhere with no kids and a nice ambiance.
I think the loudness that is present in some of the theatre rooms would not be ideal for new borns either.

Realistically I just never took to cinemas due to comfort and cleanliness. I have my own projector and surround sound in my house. I don't need to pay so much money to stand in a crowded line and wait then to have people spill their food/drink and disrupt everybody while their child cries and won't stop when the 60hz bass jus Over powers everything and ruins the fidelity of "Theatre grade surround sound" when the highs roll off before 17khz making the sound very inaccurate while the projector looks like its on eco mode with pixels visible. I'm good.