Criminals In Longdenville & Known By The Longdenville Police

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
You want to know why crime so rampant? One of the main reason why crime is so bloody rampant is that police officers are allowing the criminal elements to do what they want. On numerous occasions and most recently yesterday 9/10/2016, reports were made to the Longdenville police station of the individuals shown in the video below robbing persons with guns. The Longdenville police are very aware of the Individuals names and where they live but they choose to do nothing because they are friends with them.
Just yesterday the bareback guy was banishing a firearm outside of The blue Eclipse Bar. Many persons called and the police never came.

Criminals in Longdenville can be seen in the video robbing persons 100 feet away from the Longdenville Police post. Seriously 100 feet from the station.

This is what happens when politicians diverse the country by spreading the criminals from their areas of concentration.
Places that were never a hot spot.. now is.
Just so that they can secure their votes in marginal areas, they will strategically spread their political sheep regardless of which side the law they are on.

Wrt the police... if anybody in this country believes that police are here to prevent crime then they are not informed or misguided.
There is less than 5% of police who actually fight crime... and they are slowly reducing in number due to retirement or peer pressure.
Chaguanas and especially Longdenville police are to known to be very lazy and corrupted. The police asking the public to report crime and firearms but when people do they do nothing with the information. It's also known that this said area are paid off by the criminal elements and this is why crime is so rampant in the Chaguanas area.
Chaguanas and especially Longdenville police are to known to be very lazy and corrupted. The police asking the public to report crime and firearms but when people do they do nothing with the information. It's also known that this said area are paid off by the criminal elements and this is why crime is so rampant in the Chaguanas area.
This can also be said about many other police stations around the country.
I saw it first hand.

From my experience all police and their respective stations know all the existing criminals and there whereabouts.
They (the police) are controlled by the heads of these gangs and organizations.
Every man on the street knows this.

"Raids" and "Busts" are done when the criminal "leaders" don't fulfill their side of the deal or when police PR is required by politicians.

Sometimes you will ask your self why certain basic regulations and requirements are not in place...
You will ask you self why certain things that are common sense are not implemented...
You will say things like:
"Yuh know, if they just do this... so much crime will stop"
But... somehow these basic, common sense ideas are not implemented and not enforced.

Ever wonder why?
Is it that they cannot come up with the same idea that the common man is thinking?
Is it that they are not capable of implementing basic strategies?

The public need to get the real truth about the police and their operations in this country, only then they will understand how and why crime happens.
Only then they will realize how safe they really are.
Only then we will all be reminded that we live in a backward, corrupt, lawless, "3rd world" country run by corrupt politicians, rouge police officers, and a biased/politically influenced judiciary.
A criminal's paradise!

I am eager to speak with one of those "Trini 2 d bone" people.. to ask them what makes them proud to say that.