Crime Watch Ian Alleyne

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May 13, 2014
Long ago i used to anticipate crime watch on WINTV as Ian Alleyne used to be a serious man dealing with crime issues in this country. He always had a serious face and was very professional in dealing with the public and issues. NOW ! It's a Jerry Springer show! A laughing show, matter of fact. It's a show when we want to get a little joke here and there to put on the tv and watch. Ian Alleyne demeanor has changed drastically and now has no professionalism whatsoever on his show when dealing with some issues. DON'T GET ME WRONG- The man is doing good for the country by helping others and solving crimes etc. etc. but now it is getting annoying. Some instances are:

1. A man came onto Ian Alleyne wanting to see his child that his wife have been withholding from him. Ian Alleyne made fun of this man down to his accent, clothes , physical appearance and his photos of his child. I felt so sad and embarrassed for the man. Even though it might be a laughing matter for the public but he should of acted professional and dealt with the situation differently. Imagine a man had the balls to come on Ian Alleyne to beg him to see his son and he had the audacity to ridicule the man.

2. There was a video that aired with a Woman stealing a cell phone. Someone called in saying the woman was a Radio Host of 103fm S_ _ M_ P_ _ S_D . Ian Alleyne never even confirmed it was her and started to say the woman's name and where she works and to get in contact with him. When everything was resolved and it was not the woman, just someone resembling her, he never issued a statement. The radio host asked that her name be cleared and an apology to be made on air and social media to her but this was never done up to this day! . She could of lost her job over something that was made up.

3. Yesterday a Sou Sou woman came into the studio to clear her name. Every time the woman started to speak Ian Alleyne cutting her. HOW WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO CLEAR HER NAME WHEN SHE CANNOT EVEN GET THE CHANCE TO TALK??? The woman got angry and eventually left the studio and i gave her all the right! Instead of idling he should of let the woman talk her part and then proceed to deal with it accordingly.

Ian Alleyne Is a joker and should be part of the Caribbean comedy fest because he is not serious. I did watch the program last night with the same sou sou woman he brought in a set of people and allowed them to state their case but every time the sou sou tried to talk he would cut her. He is very unprofessional and bias but yesterday's episode that is the worst i ever seen him. This man seem to be full of his self ego and is totally full of him self. Shame mr Ian Alleyne, Everyone deserves a right to share their side of the story regardless of what people say about them.
Agreed fellas. I find since that court scene and since he move from TV6, he has lost his 'sting'. He was much more serious then.
On the other hand, I find Inspector Alexander's show on the TV6 picking up very well.
"Beyond the tape" hosted by Inspector Alexander is much more educational, professional and ORGANIZED. I'm also seeing and hearing alot of people taking and looking forward to the program. CRIME WATCH WAS GOOD BUT NOW ITS CRAP!
i don't watch Crime Watch again......its to self centered with the host.....we realy need Beyond The Tape to guide us and answer all our police matters....Crime Watch needs to wheel and come us used to say......
I don't watch Crime Watch, but the little I've seen, whenever someone calls in with a legitimate complaint, he gives them a number to call, then cuts them off, saying he don't have much time....but if someone calls to boost his ego...he have all the time in the world for that...lmao! Btw, saw my dad watching it last night...did I really see him walking with two women in bikinis? Are they his bodyguards?