Credit Chex Limited Horrible Service

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Jul 25, 2015
One of my close relatives has had a horrible experience with Credit Chex Limited. They own a very small company and has alot of money outstanding from customers. They hired Credit Chex Limited and paid a large sum of money years ago to help them get back the funds. To cut this long story short, the agents never answered their phones, never tried to get the letters of notice to the customers and always making excuses of why the process is taking so long. They have changed two agents over the period that my relatives was with them due to bad service and not seeing any progress. They eventually got fed up after poor excuses from Credit Chex.

A long time after they got a call from one of Credit Chex agent asking to please try them again and that he will get back the monies owed to them by customers. At this point, my relatives were owing suppliers money and urgently needed to get paid and pay off the suppliers. They paid a huge sum of money AGAIN for this agent to conduct his business on their behalf . Low and behold, they got the same treatment from this agent. Months passed without any calls or updates. Some customers were alerted and given the due date to pay back my relatives but the agent never followed up . They got fedup again and just decided to quit this company for good.

NOW HEAR THE MOST RETARDED PART..My relatives recently got a call from Credix Chex Limited. Apparently the suppliers that my relatives owed, hired THEM NOW to get back the money owed. They have been sending them emails and have been calling them non stop to get the monies. So my Uncle asked the agent where were they, when we hired them to collect our outstanding debts, TWICE! If they did their job like they were paid to do , my relatives would of gotten their money and paid off their suppliers and all of this would of been solved in the first place. That's what they were hired to do!

Please be weary of Credit Chex Limited. Take your business elsewhere. They take your money and never deliver! And look out for the "Promise" scheme they hit you in person or over the phone to bribe you in taking your $5,000 TT. They only deliver for the big companies and always forget the small businessman. My relatives spoke to Credit Chex lawyer and told them they will be going to court over this matter. They didn't want to do their job by collecting the monies when my relatives hired them, but suddenly wants them to pay monies owed by a supplier . Steups what bullshit !

They are unprofessional , unreliable, untrustworthy .
Had the same experience with this company. Sad to say many have been complaining about their service. The company i work for hired them as well and the agent showed up all nice , friendly and as you said "full of promises". My boss paid the company to collect debits from customers and gave him all the files and contacts that he needed to conduct his business. It has been going in a year now and no performance from Credit Chex. Debts and outstanding payments are still outside. What a waste. Never using them for anything again. And if anyone asks me for a recommendation i will direct them to this post.
I'll add Debt Recovery and Administrative Services Limited to that List.

Terrible experience with them some years ago, but they always advertising on TV.

After months of calls with no feedback, a senior manager upon FINALLY realizing she have grossly incompetent staff, calls to tel me my matter not worth pursuing cause of court connections