creative proposal/weddings??

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New Member
Aug 18, 2008
when my boyfriend proposes to me i want it to be really special, something that i would be able to remember for the rest of my life. I would like him to do it when were having dinner alone outside and watching the sunset and as soon as it goes down, he gets down on his knees and propose, :) i wouldn't want him to hide the ring in my food before i choke and die then that would be a love lost lol. But i would most likely like to be on vacation in Jamaica when he decides to do it. And the wedding, hmmm, i want to get married at sunrise on a beach maybe, with just close family and friends, and then throw a reception party later in the afternoon and after is the honeymoon, which i wood like to go to either Mexico, Tahiti, or Italy. [but this is all in my head lol]

so for girls, how would you like him to propose to you and what would your wedding be like??
and guys, how do you plan on proposing to her??

[[brbk4498, i hope you're taking notes sweetie :wink: ]]
hmmm well i am already taken and it was not like dat dream of candy8998 but it is goood and happy for yearsssssss
awwwwwwwwwwwww how long have you been married for?
Candyann is hiding it from us lol.
I cant even ask a girl her name much less ask her out.. HOW THE HELL AM I.. ahem.. er. going to propose.. I think she'd ask me. lol. A cool way is at a stadium on the billboard. :) I saw it somewhere.
Awwwwwww wen u ready 2 propose it wood b easy cuz u wood b real kool n comfortable wit her, evn im still shy around brendan but not lik how i used 2 b lol :)
Well i definitely wudn't go for the food thing cuz i done greedy already i might just choke..i want to go out on a date somewhere in a beach resort or dinner in a comfortable resturant or somewhere fun we both had memories and then for ryan to propose to me with his knees down on the ground and then when i say yes he picks me up and lifts me off the ground *faints* Yes...........And i know this will come true cuz Admin is very very romantic
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that's sweet lol
my friend and i were having a conversation last night that led to him telling me how he would like to propose to his girl, and boy did it beat anything that we've mentioned! lol but 1st he shared the story about how his cousin proposed to his fiance yesterday morning, he said they were at the movies, and then for intermission, everything just went dark, while everyone was looking around wondering what was happening, a sign showed up on the saying, " 'fiance's name', i love you with all my heart, will you marry me? -'proposer's name' " and then she wasn't sure if it was really her but when she saw him smiling she started screaming and everybody shared their "awwws" But yes back to the real story, my friend said that he would take his girl up to this symbolic mountain in India, where you would over look a city, with a lot of lights, and that he would arrange for certain light to 2 be turned on saying "will you marry me" and then he'll look at her and profess his love while waiting for her answer! just wonderful =]