Crazy Truck Drivers Rant: Again

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
We have had a few discussions about truck drivers before but it really does get to me sometimes....

Going down the highway this past month I probably came across 10 trucks, both with trailers and sand trucks going over 100kms and overtaking people like they driving RX-7s... What really going on in dis place? Plenty of them unmarked so even if you wanted to report them, it have no info to use...

A few of them even pulling up behind cars that stopping like they wanna push them out of the way. Needless to say, I need to get a second dashcam for d back, this ridiculousness have to stop somehow...

/End Rant.
I swear just a couple hours ago I doin 120 coming south from Munroe and seeing a trailer truck (without the trailer) weaving through cars and coming up fast. I was pulling off by price paza so I say let me get in the left lane early and cool myself and let him go his way.

Next thing I know I not seeing the truck. I look in my rearview mirror and just seeing his 2 front lights cuz he was so close to my back bumper. He leave the right most lane to tail me in the left to overtake the cars in the other lanes and I was doing 120. They need to start charging them for reckless driving like how they starting to charge for drunk driving now.
Wayyyyyzz, I not doubting that one at all, seen it happen before. Experience something rel similar too... Once on that same cut out a TBL Actros with company name and logo pull up behind me and couldn't stop. He start to weave till he lock over to the left enough to slow down. Coming down the road on the side there my boy tailgating and only speeding up.

If i remember correctly he did try to pass me on the right side in the road and I kept flooring the gas each time to send the message to him.

I called the company and had a stern chat with somebody who seemed to care. They even called me back afterwards to apologize and say that they received other complaints about that driver... The man was making it look like the trailer was for style yes.
Lol Thy what some truck drivers doing a lot lately and it makes you wonder if they really understand what they are driving...I reach a point where is I see a truck speeding behing me I either let him go or I put some distance between me and them
I normally drive around 120 on the highway. If A truck going fast enough to keep up with me the I don't want him anywhere behind me. I move over and let him pass so I could keep an eye on him. But, that's what go me last night. I went from far right lane to far left and he still squeeze through 2 cars to tail me. I feel next time I'll just come off the throttle and coast and put on my hazards till he get the point.
That's a good idea Dude, minus the hazards, just release the gas and cruise. I do that to tailgaters all the time and they back off after a few seconds. Be careful doing that to a tractor cab though, them men crazy enough to bounce you.

Grim I does wonder too and most of the time that's my reaction, see how to either get ahead or just let them go. If the truck have a company name I does look for the number later and call. I really lost respect for most truck drivers, they doing too much stupidness.