Could racialism ever done?

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I was looking at some popular facebook trini groups and i over came a person making racial statements just because someone mentions a political party. Could racialism ever done? These people mentality believe that The PNM and the UNC are political groups for only Indian and African people. If people think so then these people are more than fools. Do you really think the PNM and UNC cares about us, its all about money and greed on both sides. We are nether Indians or Africans we are Trinidadians get that straight, we were born in this country not India or Africa.

Btw the the pic provided is from a group where very racial remarks are constantly being made.

Steups... It's a shame we cannot move on intellectually in this country..Our mindset is what's keeping us back from progressing
racialism is in my company any will always b there and it in this security company the officers do what is necessary to make work normal....all officers who kiss up and kiss ass get tru wit the stuff they want....i applied for my holidays as required an of no avail....its been 8 yrs now no holiday....i will do this the proper way...i dont kiss no ass and dont intend to kiss ass...this is also call racist in my book....when people get promoted dey play god with ur life....this is being racist too...
racialism is in my company any will always b there and it in this security company the officers do what is necessary to make work normal....all officers who kiss up and kiss ass get tru wit the stuff they want....i applied for my holidays as required an of no avail....its been 8 yrs now no holiday....i will do this the proper way...i dont kiss no ass and dont intend to kiss ass...this is also call racist in my book....when people get promoted dey play god with ur life....this is being racist too...
8 years and no vacation? Wow. You should make a complaint.

Anyway, as unfortunate as it is, this country is already deeply racially divided, fuelled by politics. Doesn't seem as if it will ease up anytime soon.
today i said a few things out loud by my auto tech man an the other 2 ppl there was stunned by my remark....they smiled...but wit their facial expression...tey didn't seemed it have some ppl who don't realy be bothered by those silly things call indian and dats a gd thing....
Thing is, coming down to the core, we are no different as human beings so I cannot understand racialism.
No matter your ethnic background, all of us will get wet if we go outside when it is raining. All of us have the blood in our veins under the skin and we all return to the earth some way or the other after death. Why fuss/fight against another with a different skin tone and hair texture as yours?
in the real world out here those words don't mean zip to my many years i came in contact with issues where i cried.....racialism is a silent and person thing and its rampant and out here........we just turn a blind eye or say its not so....i will always believe racialism will never end....
Just imagine in first world countries - Some say Canada is the heart of Racialism. Many of us brown skinned people are ridiculed and are victims of hate crime up there. "Blacks and Browns" are victimized and cannot even step foot in some areas in Canada.
Not until people are educated and enlightened about each other's histories and struggles. I think if everyone goes through their family trees at least a couple hundred years they would find themselves surprised by what ethnicities and colors at the very least are hidden there. I believe the slave owners and masters of the work plantations used racism to separate themselves in the hierarchy they created, as well as to diminish any guilt they felt for the blatant abuse and mistreatment those under them suffered at their hands and/or orders. Whenever it was made convenient to them, I'm sure they instigated some problems (murder, war, beatings, families and neighbors tearing each other apart without the "massas" needing to lift a finger) here and there much like as was done with the Hutus and Tutsis.

I tend to avoid meeting new people in Trinidad because I've found so far all anyone wants to know is "what you are"; if they want to know who your family is, it's usually to find out "what" they are too and "what" kinds of people and from where they and you associate yourselves with. A lot of the times I've found that the older generations of many families mold the words and actions of the coming generations. Many racial slurs and comments aren't even understood, just overheard, passed on, and used because it's known to be racist and degrading. Maybe people are trying to project their insecurities onto others, maybe they're just mindless tape recorders, maybe they just find it easier to hate and hurt than to try to understand, learn, and progress past it. I don't know. But I don't like it and I don't see it being done here anytime soon.
Just look at our politicians, PNM vs UNC is almost always played out as Indian vs Negros. And I honestly don't see that changing anytime soon.
I've found that racism is played off into everything now....areas, schools, entertainment, businesses etc
I've found that racism is played off into everything now....areas, schools, entertainment, businesses etc
This is very true, because even in the education system there is racism among teachers, students and even the parent teacher board

Racism is everywhere we look now , even subtly we can see it everywhere, I try my best to overlook it, but sometimes it's just so prominent its just blatantly present!
Thankfully I only had one racist experience in school here, but it's sad to think that instead of progressing with the times, things are only getting worse.
My Aunt is a dougla and married a man of African descent .They have the most beautiful Kids . She came down in Trinidad 2 years ago and i carried her in Centre City Mall by the hairdresser to get her hair done for a wedding. I had to baby sit my 2 year old cousin in the mall and was walking up and down with him trying to get him to sleep. If you saw the looks i got , people in the mall, workers included were staring at me and wispering amongst themselves. I got a few nasty faces and looks of disgust from many women. All i could of done was laugh at how small/closed minded we are in this country. So what if an indian girl was holding a red skinned handsome cute negro baby with hazel eyes?? My God! i feel so sorry for these people knowing that they are going to grow their children up with the same mindset.
Idk why people are so small minded. I have a few close friends that I befriended based on stimulating conversations and similar likes and dislikes. None of us share any of the same skin color, nationality, or racial background and that has never affected our relationships (and actually, has not come to mind until writing this comment). If we were all to gather in any random place in Trinidad I can just imagine the looks and comments.....

This is kinda related to the pet peeves thread but I hate, really, really, really HATE when people cast racist judgements in a joking manner and give you this look like "wtf is wrong with you for not laughing at the wonderful thoughts from my maggot infested brain?". Contrary to popular Trini mentality, using racist descriptions to insult, humiliate, belittle, or single-out people does not constitute positive commentary, passive nothings, or complimentary responses. Thinking of this has reminded me I actually had a whole lot more racist experiences in school than I thought. But yeah Lady Death, children learn it from somewhere, and the most influential place in a child's life is the home!
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To answer the OP: A lot of people's political stance is backed by race as their minds are too small to comprehend anything larger. I for my own self could never understand racism. I've always hated people who were racial. Indian, African or Chinese or whatever, the history speaks for itself, the two major groups fought for the same things as slaves so why the hate. Why can't there be "one love".

As for what a lot of people have said in this thread: Race sometimes is so strong that we are treated differently based on our skin colour, our hair or simply by the most subtle things. Its so strong that at Rituals because you are different to the server you are given less whipped cream than those who got their drinks before you.
At the end of the day, we are humans, we buy cars from the same place, we drive on the same roads, we walk the same streets, breath the same air, our money sometimes pays these people so they can sustain their own lives... Why the hate, why the need to stigmatize....