computer vase

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New Member
Jun 9, 2008
check this out ... really kool' ... e-right-r/

To be serious for a moment, this is actually a pretty interesting illustration of the future afforded by small, low-power components: ECS has stuffed a full Intel Atom 230 system, including NVIDA ION graphics, 1GB of RAM, a 2.5-inch HDD and a Blu-ray drive into what looks like a family heirloom. There's even room for a couple USB ports, Ethernet and HDMI plugs on the bottom, which keeps the main body uninterrupted other than the tray-loading drive
Thats the strangest system unit i ever see.. but its worth it. But how so much stuff fit in the jar without burning out and blowing up lol. It must have some cooling right? if it doesn't need fans then that extra cool. I want this to catch on.. box shaped computers kinda common. Vase ones.. :D
Sorry, but personally i think this is utter crap. I mean a computer tower shaped like a vase?? how gay is that? This is an epic fail in my book.
lol kool for can buy this if u live in an unsafe neighbourhood so if anyone brakes in they would not know where the tower is if you put some flowers on it lol