Chinese People Taking Advantage Of T&t

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Jun 9, 2008
Ever notice don't matter where you go in Trinidad & Tobago there is a Chinese grocery or Chinese restaurant??
And when you go into the establishments , there are only Chinese employees that cannot speak English?
And when their business closes you see them pulling of with an expensive vehicle?
And if you look in close vicinity to the establishment you will most likely see a house or apartment where a butt load of Chinese people stay hurdled together??


Yet Our Unemployment rate is sky high and we continue to patronize at these establishments.


1. Cheap labour of course - They have created ties with the Chinese Government to hire outsource labour to help build
government infrastructure. These construction companies are widely known to build many
government buildings. Including Couva Children's Hospital. What happen to our locals?

2. Lower Costs - Lower shipping duties, taxes, etc. when government importing things from China.

3. Relationship - Trinidadian Government Agreed to let their nationals in to set up businesses here in turn for
favorable profits , cheap labour, lower taxes etc.


1. Believe it or not in China, it is widely advertised there for people to open new ventures in the Caribbean especially Trini.

2. The Chinese Association here in Trinidad gives big loans to Chinese Nationals who wish to set up a Business as well
as personal protection and easy approvals ( pays bribe to government ) in opening restaurants and supermarkets.

3. The Chinese Association also makes it easier to obtain all necessary documents Chinese Nationals might need such as
driver's license, job letter, place for rent, place to stay (how are they getting loans also from the bank when they don't have a record in Trinidad or not a citizen?? ) hmm

4. They are also here to make money to send back to China to take care of their families.


1. Cheap Chinese Food
2. Cheap Chinese Supermarkets and Variety Stores


1. All profits made are sent back to China and not spent in Trinidad
2. Chinese Nationals import all their stuff needed for their establishments from China. Nothing is really bought here
3. Chinese hire only Chinese employees so it does not help the unemployment rate here
4. Some of their restaurants are unsanitary, nasty, kept in poor conditions, improper
storage, rodent infested, selling spoil food. ( Please see Chinese food topic)
5. Their food is very unhealthy . Even Chinese people don't eat their own food sold at the Restaurants
6. Their diet consists of weird food such as Snakes, Insects etc. that they catch here and eat . Some also store
the meat with the foods to sell in the refrigerator.
6. LAW BREAKING : They have no care for animal cruelty - They catch the dogs here in Trinidad and eat them .
The government is afraid of speaking out as the Chinese might cut ties with Trinidad.
7. No Patriotism - Chinese people that live here for years don't care about the welfare of our country. They live
in their own little Chinese World and actually look down on us Trinidadians .
8. BABY BOOM - Chinese people cannot make more than 1 child in some provinces , so they come here to make babies,
use our free health system and raise their children here in Trinidad .
I have no problem with people coming in to Trinidad in search of a better life because many trinis are doing that abroad. However, these people can't have the best of both worlds. No responsibility to out country and yet still reap all the benefits. I say they need to have some restrictions to ensure that their stay here is mutually beneficial to all. Tackling that list of disadvantages would be an excellent start.
I have a big problem with them here.

Just like us Trinis when we travel to abroad, we don't have advantages of getting loans, driver's liscense , personal protection or jobs etc. We have to work 2 and 3 menial jobs where our qualifications don't mean a thing to their standards. We are at the bottom scale .

Chinese people here are more well off than poor people in Trinidad due to Our Government helping them to get their things in order. It is unfair to see locals suffocating in our country and Chinese people booming.
Its not just the government helping them put things in order but the corruption is a gateway to heaven for them. I does go by some of these chinese restaurants and see they have a brand new Hilux in the back fully kitted, Prado and some other luxury cars.

Now I have no problem if somebody has an idea and works for it and makes it happen until it works for them but doh tell me these ppl coming here and getting things set up underhanded. I have a problem with that and I have a problem with the fact that some places really won't hire locals. I mean yeah it have lazy locals eh but plenty of them really need a job to survive.

There's lots I want to say on this but I really don't know what to start with lol.
I worked alongside a chinese chef in a kitchen a couple months ago at a chinese establishment. He could barely speak english but the guy was cool. According to him in China is very hard times, you working for (when converted) about $40TTD per day. See how we have passes/subjects? Their version of that is a trade and this guy has about 7. The gang violence is pretty high too but for a small country like Trinidad we need countries like China on our side, which is one of the fastest if not the fastest growing economies in the world.(The US is also $1T in debt to China and we're about ~$70B in debt to them)

They wouldn't open all those chinese restaurants if nobody bought it. To me is kinda like doubles, a new vendor showing up on a corner today but a few months later he pack up and gone because it not tasting good. The variety stores on the other hand right next to each other in POS with up to 3 of them in a row.
I worked alongside a chinese chef in a kitchen a couple months ago at a chinese establishment. He could barely speak english but the guy was cool. According to him in China is very hard times, you working for (when converted) about $40TTD per day. See how we have passes/subjects? Their version of that is a trade and this guy has about 7. The gang violence is pretty high too but for a small country like Trinidad we need countries like China on our side, which is one of the fastest if not the fastest growing economies in the world.(The US is also $1T in debt to China and we're about ~$70B in debt to them)

They wouldn't open all those chinese restaurants if nobody bought it. To me is kinda like doubles, a new vendor showing up on a corner today but a few months later he pack up and gone because it not tasting good. The variety stores on the other hand right next to each other in POS with up to 3 of them in a row.

Still don't get your point there. What does having China on our side have to do with them disrespecting our culture when their people come here, setup shop, eating dog meat and preparing food in the most unsanitary conditions?

If I understand you correctly you mean we need to be on good grounds with China for benefit, maybe so, maybe not so, I'm not really the person to assess that but I can say that it is not right for them to come here and illegally do things.

Yeah you use the analogy of doubles but realistically even when doubles doesn't taste all that good or doesn't taste good people continue to buy because fast food has become the way of the land. Obviously its impossible to stop people because I'm sure even if they are fully educated on what's happening really and truly inside these establishments a lot of them will use the logic that they never got sick to continue buying.

I really feel some government legislation would be a positive thing but it would be require some care in how it's done as it starts with a corruption free government which I doubt we will be seeing anytime soon.
@ Lorenzo I'm not against China or having chinese coming here. I'm also not saying to send them back home. All I am saying is that things need to be put in place to ensure that they positively contribute to the society. It has to be a two way street. We cannot open our doors to them to use out facilities and health care if they don't pay taxes for it. We also need to make sure that them being here does not harm the people who already live here. All establishments should have a minimum percentage of local labour to help combat unemployment.


1. All profits made are sent back to China and not spent in Trinidad
2. Chinese Nationals import all their stuff needed for their establishments from China. Nothing is really bought here
3. Chinese hire only Chinese employees so it does not help the unemployment rate here
4. Some of their restaurants are unsanitary, nasty, kept in poor conditions, improper
storage, rodent infested, selling spoil food. ( Please see Chinese food topic)
5. Their food is very unhealthy . Even Chinese people don't eat their own food sold at the Restaurants
6. Their diet consists of weird food such as Snakes, Insects etc. that they catch here and eat . Some also store
the meat with the foods to sell in the refrigerator.
6. LAW BREAKING : They have no care for animal cruelty - They catch the dogs here in Trinidad and eat them .
The government is afraid of speaking out as the Chinese might cut ties with Trinidad.
7. No Patriotism - Chinese people that live here for years don't care about the welfare of our country. They live
in their own little Chinese World and actually look down on us Trinidadians .
8. BABY BOOM - Chinese people cannot make more than 1 child in some provinces , so they come here to make babies,
use our free health system and raise their children here in Trinidad .

Allow me to respond to your disadvantages.

#3. You said Chinese hire only Chinese employees. This isn't so. I have been to groceries and variety stores in Port-of-Spain amongst other places that are owned/managed by Chinese nationals that have locals, or otherwise non-Chinese nationals or people of other ethnical backgrounds as employees.

#6 & #7. What evidence do we have to state or suggest that these Chinese nationals eat uncommon foods to us locally, such as snakes and insects? This is barely a perceived thought based on globalalization and information that may reach us via the world wide media (TV, internet). Until recently, it was more or less unproven that Chinese nationals eat dogs but we cannot state they may eat other animals and 'weird' things that are uncommon to us based on what the media has fed up, our perceived notions or because it was brought to national attention that they may eat dogs.
Additionally, to eat dogs, snakes and insects etc. may be weird to us, but that could merely be a common practice in China. It could very well be part of their culture. It's the same as some of us locals who eat wild meat (horse, rabbit, deer, agouti, iguana, hog, manicou etc). They may or may not eat 'wild meat' and it may or may not be weird to them as it is possible them having wild meat to be very uncommon and perceived to be weird.

One instance or incident of a dog being skinned and seemingly being prepared for consumption is not sufficient evidence to suggest and state that Chinese nationals catch the dogs here in Trinidad and eat them. One example could never be enough to make such a generalization. However, if it is so, it is cruelty to animals, immoral and unethical but not illegal, as nowhere in our laws states that a person must not or cannot kill a dog and prepare it for consumption.

The ties we have with the Chinese help with the development of T&T, so I agree with you on saying that the government is "..afraid of speaking out as Chinese might cut ties with Trinidad." Having friendly relations is vital to our country's development.

#8 While Chinese nationals may not be patriotic, why should they be? After all, they are non-nationals. If we were to migrate, would we be patriotic or would our heart lie with our country of birth? We don't have any evidence to implicate that they look down on us.

#9. You are correct. China is overpopulated so the government of China has put measures in place that do not allow couples to have more than one child. Provided that they have entered our country legally, nothing is wrong with them making babies and expressing their freedom to do so. We do not have a problem with our population in Trinidad and Chinese nationals are not doing any harm to us with their increasing numbers. The same we some of us locals would have migrated to our countries to seek a better livelihood, it is the same with these Chinese nationals.
I know and interact with alot of Chinese customers and associates weekly. What i speak about here is the truth from what they told me .

#3 - 90% of their workers are Chinese Nationals. This is because (1) they do not trust Trinidadians (who will trust strangers ? ) . (2) Chinese employees work for less wages than Trinidadian Employees so it is cheaper . -

#6-#7 -Not all Chinese people eat questionable stuff . Both of my relatives are workers in a Chinese Restaurant and they have seen they cook dog already along with preparing snakes . I wont go into much detail about that. My friend also bought questionable meat from a reputable Chinese restaurant in the east and the next week it was on news that not too far from the restaurant there were a graveyard of dog bones and the place had to be closed down. ( Years ago)

THIS IS NOT OUR CULTURE! Yes Chinese people ate that in China, but this is a different country. Don't try to impose their culture eating on our's and call that right ! Yes people who eat wild meat should stop as well. We have an animal cruelty lawS here in our country and CHINESE PEOPLE NEED TO RESPECT THAT!

Do you know the laws in Trinidad Brotherhood? I suggest you read the laws before you say anything further . Check out the site


In sections 79 to 90 (inclusive) ?animal? means any horse,
mare, gelding, colt, filly, bull, cow, ox, steer, heifer, calf, mule,
ass, ram, ewe, sheep, lamb, boar, sow, barrow, hog, pig, goat, kid,
dog, cat, or any other domestic animal, whether of the kind or
species particularly mentioned or of any other kind or species
whatsoever, and whether a quadruped or not.
(1) Any person who cruelly beats, ill-treats, starves, over-
drives, overrides, overloads, abuses, tortures, or otherwise maltreats
any animal is liable to a fine of four hundred dollars or to
imprisonment for two months

So infact the government should speak up about it. This is our laws in Trinidad and it needs to be enforced because these are innocent lives they are killing. So we are just going to let China run all over us because they helping us ? Innocent lives that our country consider to be worth saving . Other wise there would not be institutions such as TTSPCA, FANG, Animals Alive, Animal Welfare Network, Animals360, Mustapha Project, Must Love Dogs, Because of Dogs, Trinidad Animal Rescue & Adoption Network. Most of us love dogs, while the rest of Trinidadians without a heart or compassion pelt , torture and kill them.

#8-9 - The government of This country needs to have proper regulations for migrants. It is unfair that some of them have alot of options that some of us locals don't . Like loans, business documents and papers signed at a fast date . They not even speaking or understang english but they got their license ? They have no papers but getting loans from banks?
I have no problem with the Chinese but we are a third world country. In order to develop we need to have some form of communication with the Chinese society.
Fair enough, but on point #3, after my response, you changed from originally saying "Chinese hire only Chinese" to "90% of their workers are Chinese nationals". I guess I was a bit right. Where are you getting you information from? Is the 90% a statistical fact or is a generalization based on your experiences?

As a business owner, if you are getting hardworking employees for cheap, would you not hire them? In that case, you cannot fault the Chinese for "hiring only Chinese". It is their choice if they chose to employ mainly Chinese nationals and the the employed commit themselves to work for cheaper wages.

I agree. It is not our culture or norm to each such animals. However, by them doing so (eating wired stuff), they are by no means imposing their culture on us by eating what they eat, whether it be dogs, snakes etc.
The Indigineous Peoples of T&T brought pepper pot, nowadays called pelau. Later, the Indians brought their culture, dance, religious festivals and food. Enslaved Africans brought their culture as well. Each being different and none of the major ethnical divisions in T&T presently, impose their culture over the other. This a multicutural society. I am not making a justification for Chinese and their culture but rather stating that what they do is not imposing their culture on us.

I admit, I was ignorant of the Cruelty To Animals Act. In this case, the suspected offender should be fined according to law. The government should intervene and I am not saying that the Chinese should run all over us because they are helping us. What exactly is 'running over us'?

We (Trinidad & Tobago) and China have had diplomatic relations for decades now. The Chinese government established an embassy here a very long time ago too and we have friendly trade and diplomatic policies with them. These people come here legally and have their papers, documents etc, can conduct business and we have an intergovernmental agreement with them. China donates money to us and the wider Caribbean region to support economic development. Whether or not the funds are put to good use is another question.
We are a third world country as you said. To be partnered with a global power in China helps our development all round. It doesn't mean that Chinese nationals can come here and do what they want but they deserve a fair chance, including being fined and facing the brunt of our local laws and legislations.
I have no problem with chinese eating whatever they want. What I have a problem with is them passing off other meats as chicken and that has nothing to do with them being chinese. I'll get pissed at anyone that tries to do me that. I know for a fact I got meat from a chinese restaurant that wasn't chicken cuz I could tell you what part of a chicken I biting into with my eyes closed.
I have no problem with chinese eating whatever they want. What I have a problem with is them passing off other meats as chicken and that has nothing to do with them being chinese. I'll get pissed at anyone that tries to do me that. I know for a fact I got meat from a chinese restaurant that wasn't chicken cuz I could tell you what part of a chicken I biting into with my eyes closed.

This is the thing about it, no problem if they do their thing but don't figure its alright to fake chicken and sell dog to ppl, thats just not right.
In fact, I don't mind if they eat stray dogs and cats. That would save people from a lot of ripped up garbage in front of their house.
Like I said... I have no problem with them once the contributing positively to our communities :D
@Brotherhood this is my problem. They will not face equal brunt of the law and will be spared.

@The Dude all typical Trinidadians would think so. This is why we would always be a backward country with this mentality and never develop. Instead of trying to enforce the law of our country and save animals who are the most simplest beings on earth, we decide to take a funny stance.

Just now people go say "It's okay to eat vagrants because they don't really matter anyway , right? Because in some cultures they do eat humans. Please google for more reference.

And we will go even further to say "It's okay to rape little children, they are helpless and cannot do anything right? In some cultures as well.

Many Trinidadians have the same mentality. They don't care if Chinese eat dog and cat. But once it ends up in their plate, all hell breaks loose . You cannot have your cake and eat it too!

Animal cruelty is real and i am an animal activist . Animals don't have a voice and we need to stand up for them. Dogs and cats are domesticated animals and i will kill another human being for them without a doubt! Sorry to say, humans are selfish bastards.
I wish these people go to America and do this. One trini tried to burn a cat alive and now he is serving years in prison . :D
Some people will never understand the love for animals or aren't even blessed with the compassion to love and care for the welfare of these tiny beings.

So when you ask, why is Trinidad such an underdeveloped or uncaring/cold/ heartless country , please look in the mirror. Change starts from within. You can have a law , but it starts with the individual to uphold it .

You fighting down for dogs and cats right but a lot of animal activists actually do consume other forms of meat. It's like Brotherhood said earlier, its a cultural thing. Yes lands have different laws or whatever the case may be, nobody should be above the law and that is where it pretty much creates the problem. They get away without problem/punishment.

I am actually not surprised to hear of human consumption. It was only a matter of time in some part of the world and it doesn't look like we are far off locally because of how a lot of people behave/look at you.

Secondly, yes dogs and cats are domestic animals where WE are concerned. Where THEY are concerned, those are foods to consume. So really and truly I don't know how wrong it is of them to consume dog behind the scene. Trinis do consume wild meat and I bet you if a Trini go abroad where its not legal and he likes that he will do it behind the scenes too. Whether he gets caught and dealt with is another story.

That aside, there are actually a lot of people who will just go with the flow and if monkey man say its ok to rape kids, monkey see monkey do, a set of other ppl will just say yeah it doh matter, etc... Like it's nobody's business.
Unless that were to change and a more serious stance were to be taken, we will forever travel backwards.

You saying they should go to America and try it, if WE stand up as a people and enforce our laws, then they cannot come here and do that but like you said and i agree with you, nobody really bothers.
To me it's like eating rabbit. Rabbits can be domesticated as well and a great family pets, however some peoplw still eat them and others can't imagine eating them.

I'm still against cruelty to animals though. If they are going to eat any animal it should be killed in the quickest and least painful way possible. Also, the animals should not be raised in poor conditions. I understand your point of view though and there is nothing wrong with it, my point of view is just different.