'Charlie Charlie' In T&T


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Active Member
Nov 10, 2014
Lana Boodoo-Maharaj, founder of Stop the Bullying and a mother of three, are among many adults, including clergymen, warning others not to play the viral internet game "Charlie Charlie", claiming that it invokes Mexican demon or a spirit. Many school students are freaking out over alleged levitating objects, hearing voices, and seeing strange things while attempting the game and it seems to be leading to a mass hysteria.

Psychiatrist Dr Varma Deyalsingh has stated that this is a phase many adults and children go through, predictably seeking out darkness and the occult as with a previously popular game, the Ouija board and supernatural themes such as vampires and werewolves. He believes it is just another avenue to seek out the darkness and possibly be used as a form of rebellion.

The game is supposedly based on one that has been played in Spain for many generations, where two pencils are crossed over a chart with four squares marked "yes" or "no". The summoner must call for the Mexican demon "Charlie" and ask him questions, which he will allegedly respond to by moving the pencils to either a "yes" or "no" section.

Officials from the Ministry of Education have received at least ten complaints from school principals about the game and some schools have brought in priests to pray as well.

According to Chief Education Officer Harrilal Seecharan, any student that persists in playing the game after being warned against it may be suspended.

Read more. Second source.

Several students at a north Trinidad secondary school received the fright of their lives while engaging in “Charlie Charlie.”

While playing the game at the school, some of the students claimed that chairs levitated off the ground causing a panic and they scampered for safety. Local videos are popping up over social Web sites showing students chanting and playing the game while even some are making fun of it.

Some of the children reported hearing eerie voices or seeing strange things. Others warned children to stay away from the challenge. The principal of the north school held an emergency meeting with the children and asked them not to play the game again that it is black magic.

I would not try this stupid thing. Children are always curious and want to experience the bad because they believe it is 'fun'. I hope this is not true as they say
hahahah kids these days will try anything...i think its just a phase just like the pokemon thing they had a few years back
I think it's total B.S. People in this country will turn anything into superstition and black magic. I remember someone telling me Harry Potter was witchcraft and black magic and trying to force me to throw away my brand new hardcover first edition HP book 5 because some kid started a fire and their parents claimed they did it after reading Harry Potter -.- I think these students are probably being pranked or scaring themselves silly.
I think it's total B.S. People in this country will turn anything into superstition and black magic. I remember someone telling me Harry Potter was witchcraft and black magic and trying to force me to throw away my brand new hardcover first edition HP book 5 because some kid started a fire and their parents claimed they did it after reading Harry Potter -.- I think these students are probably being pranked or scaring themselves silly.

I like to say that if you believe in something enough, you will psychologically begin to see it as a reality. In other words, they probably seeing it in their heads and think its true. I've actually seen groups of students be totally wrong about stuff like this as well.

Also it might not necessarily be black magic, I don't know what it is but I would like to think it might actually be a game or something like that...

I wasn't throwing away my brand new HP 5 for nobody, let them bun down in d fire instead! lollll!
I hid it and continued reading it secretly to avoid being "disrespectful and rude" lol

I just don't believe in that stuff and think there is an explanation for everything. I agree with the psychiatrist's statements on this as I too went through a phase but with Mary Weatherworth (similar to this but in a dark room with a mirror and candle) and absolutely nothing happened to me or anyone I knew that tried it lol but as a kid, it was fun and exciting and we got a kick out of doing it and scaring others with it too. I think these things are indeed made up and are just for entertainment and scaring naive kids.
lol i actually watched a movie where people believed in something so much it turned into reality and started killing people. I think one of the greek god/goddess is responsible for it . Cannot remember.

Where there is good , there is bad also and i have seen very bad things with my own eyes. I never believed it until i had first-hand experienced. Oh and i've seen obeah in its purest form and what it can do to people. Not nice! What about charlie-charlie, will we ever know? Not me ! i'm staying far away from it real or not
I looked at some YouTube videos claiming that Charlie Charlie was real and after watching the buzzfeed prank vid I was able to tell when the person speaking was breathing out towards the pencil or blowing it when they moved. Some may have been aware of this and just did it anyway for the views, but some may not have realized. I've experienced questionable things too but Superstition just does not make sense to me. I would think if this was legit a demon would be interested in more than pencils or weird noises and would follow up with more demon-ish things like possession and physical harm and suffering etc. this has also been viral long enough for the Vatican to have released a statement issuing widespread fear and panic over all the places Charlie is being released to move pencils if it was considered something real. There were similar fads when I was a kid with similar reactions and all it ever was was just some games, pranks, and sometimes even fun, scare tactics. I don't think this is any different.

Was just reading a debate of this on another forum and these games came up:
Bloody Mary
"light as a feather, stiff as a board"

cannot believe they left out my beloved Mary Weatherworth though!

I think they're all the same thing: games to creep people out and fuel the youth interested in new "scary/dark" things.
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Bloody Mary i tried and it was frightening doing it but nothing happened. It was a dare and i was so stupid at the time lmao.

People say they used straws to blow the pencils in the direction. idk how true
I've done light as a feather stiff as a board, Candyman, and Mary Weatherworth. It was fun and I freaked out some people but harmless. You can easily blow the pencils while talking. Just exhale in the direction of the pencils while speaking and it will move. You can rest a pencil on top of a bottle or a little box or something and just speak while watching it. In most of the videos their faces are quiet close so the people watching find it hard to tell. Check out the video done by Miranda Sings lol that's the most obvious one yet!
On bf vs gf channel he was showing how easy it is to blow the pencil using a straw to control the movements.

I hope this charlie trend passes very fast. I am seeing videos where people fainted and things fell down but i don't know if its real or not. Hard to tell
LOL don't underestimate what people can do in the state of fear. When I first moved to this house, I tried to respectfully follow superstitions and was still very religious and eventually asked if the house was supposed to be haunted (it is). Guess what? I recently saw a door open and close itself repeatedly. Now that I'm thinking more logically, I quickly considered the variables involved and realized there was a slight draft in the room (that could even be felt if you went up close) that closed the door in when blowing through one vent, and opened it when the draft from the other vent was stronger. It was a very windy part of the day so this happened for a while, no jumbies present lol though I could have easily scared myself silly if I believed something supernatural was acting out a door fetish lol!

I think for "Charlie Charlie" pencils are chosen because they are so light and easy to be discreetly moved. Try that with some lead weights and I'll be impressed lol I have fainted and have seen people faint, develop excruciating migraines and other extreme forms of pain, and have seizures as a result of high stress, so I will not doubt that the same can achieved in high fear TBH. Their fear and physical sensations as a result may be real to them and the witnesses, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's attributed to the supernatural IMO.